○Chapter 9○

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I started talking with New Zealand for a bit when Canada came back down with America. Canada looked a little sad. "Uh you ok Canada?" I ask. He looked at me a little surprised. "Oh h-hi Y/N I didn't see you there, and yeah I'm fine just America took my maple syrup." He said sadly. "America HOW DARE YOU HURT THE LITTLE BEAN!" I yell at America. The three countries looked at me surprised. "Well we don't want him to get drunk on maple syrup again now do we." America says. "What...?" I ask. "Ok that was one time." Canada says. Just then Japan walked in with South Korea. "What are you people yelling about it here?" Japan asked confused.

"Nothing." America says as he walks out of the kitchen. "Uhmm ok then, oh hey Y/N!" South Korea says as he saw me. "Hey you two." I say as a wave to the two countries. Just as I say that someone else walked in, someone I haven't talked to yet. I think it's Ukraine.? If I remember right. He notices me. "Oh you're that person Belarus was talking about. What's your name again?" He asks. "Uhm hey we were talking to them." Japan says glaring at Ukraine. Only for Ukraine to ignore him. "My name is Y/N." I say. "Ok Y/N fellow me." He says. "What?" I ask. But before I could to do anything. He grabs my arm putting me to the living room. He pushes me into a group of three people before walking a way.

"Oh hey Y/N! I'm glad you could come." I hear a familiar voices say. I look up at Belarus. To see him standing with two other countries that I recognize as Russia and Kazakhstan. Both countries I haven't met yet. "Hi there, you're Y/N right? I'm Kazakhstan." The one male said. "Hi Kazakhstan and yeah I'm Y/N." I say back. After a second Belarus elbows Russia in the side. "What?" Russia asks confused." Belarus whispers something to Russia, only for the Russian to whisper back angrily. After a few seconds Russia sighed before looking at me. "Hi I'm Russia." He said plainly. I talked to those three countries for a while.

Now I had met all but two countries. Germany and Indonesia.

Word count:408 words

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