○meeting new people○ Chapter 6

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"Y/N! Come down here please."

I sit up on my 'bed' as I heard Britain yell at me. Today has been the third day I've been here, after finding out I can't leave this place yet Britain let me stay in that spare room in his house. But today I'm going to meet some of the other countries that live here and I'm honestly kind of nervous. Get up from the bed and quickly shove my phone in my bag. I walk over the dresser in the room and quickly grab out some clothes that France had gotten me. I put them on. I didn't really notice when I got them but they kind of have a French vibe to them. I do anything else I need to do.

I grab my bag and walk down stairs. When I walk into the living room and Britain was waiting for me there. After he notices me what's a quick high before walking to the door as I follow him. Going to the car Britain said that would be about a 10 minute drive. Even though I didn't actually know where we're going all I know is that we're going to a building that some of the countries would be, if they weren't busy at the moment. We talked a bit during the drive one point I asked him about the genders of the country's cuz all the countries I've met so far are all male. And he said that they all are male. We pull up to a building still really nervous and Britain obviously must have noticed cuz he said that was going to be okay, and most of the people were quite friendly.

We both get out of the car and walk into the building. We walk in I look around the room it was a small plane room with a few chairs it looked almost like a waiting room in a doctor's office. "Ok Y/N can you stay here for a moment?" He asks. I look at him. "Of course." I say. After that he leaves the room I look around the room one more time, there wasn't really anything interesting. So I just sat down in one of the chairs and waited. I waited for around 5 minutes and I was starting to get a little impatient and kinda bored so I pulled out my phone and started playing some games.

"Sorry for interrupting but you can come in now." The voice startled me even if it was a very kind tone. I look up from my phone and turn to where I heard the voice it was Canada? "Oh ok." I say as I get up putting my phone back in my bag. I walk in the room after him there was a few people there maybe around 10, which I recognized not saying that cuz I recognize their flag it's that I already met them. I didn't really know who to talk to you first should I talk to people I already know or start introducing myself to other people.

But before I could decide a male walked, well more so ran up to me. I recognized the flag of Japan immediately. Before I could say hi or anything to him, he beat me to it. "Konnichiwa! I'm Japan!" He says. We talked for a bit before another country came up and told Japan that South Korea wanted him. Then Japan quickly said bye and ran over to where I'm guessing South Korea is.

The male that had come up to tell Japan about South Korea was already starting to walk away I didn't even see what his flag was so I didn't know what country he was, but from the tone of his voice he didn't sound very happy or friendly for that matter but that didn't stop me. "Uhm hi!" I say. He's slightly turns around and looks at me I can now see his face it was North Korea. He looks at me for a second. "Hi." He replies plainly still sounding upset. And before I could say anything else he walked away.

It continued like that people would either come up and say hi I would have to go up to them and introduce myself but most of them already knew my name and I was pretty good with flag so I knew most of them. Sometimes I would have a conversation with them or sometimes they just say hi introduce themselves and leave.

Next is just everyone saying hi. (I'm not very good at this and I don't know all they're personalities but here you go.)

"I-I know we already met but I didn't properly introduce myself I'm New Zealand, nice to meet you."

"Oh! Uh hi I'm South Korea!"

"Heya you probably already know me, I'm Australia!"

"Hello there I'm China."

"Hmmm? Oh hi, I'm Switzerland it's great to finally meet you."

"What, hmm oh you're that new person. I'm Poland."

"Oh I'm Mexico!"

"I'm the Philippines!"

"Oh.. uhmm hi there. I'm Malaysia."

"Hello there! I'm Belarus it's nice to meet you!"

"Hm, oh I'm Italy."

And that's all the countries I met today. But Britain said there is still 5 more countries I haven't met yet. Russia, (because he didn't want to come.) Germany, (because he said he was too busy.) Indonesia, (because he's not feeling well.) Ukrine, (because he said he has better things to do.) and finally Kazakhstan. (Because he was out in the human world at the time.

And I even got some of the countries numbers so I could text and call them. Maybe being here wouldn't be that bad.

Word count: 952 words.

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