○Chapter 11○

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I laid in my bed not really sure of what to do when I heard a beep from my phone. I sat up, reached over and grabbed my phone from the bedside table. Noticing I had a new text message from Japan, I open it.

(The italic letters are the text messages)

Weeb: Hey Y/N! So I was wondering if you'd like to take up that offer I said the other day and hang out with me today!

Oh hey japan. Sure I'll hang out with you but when and where? :Y/n

Weeb: uhmm probably around 4 and let's go to the park! Does that sound good with you?

Yeah 4 sounds good but question where is the park? :Y/n

Weeb: don't worry about that, I'll come over to UK's house and we can walk there together!

Ok then I guess I'll see you at 4 :Y/n

Weeb: Okk!! See you then!

So Japan will be here at 4, right now it's 2:34 so I have plenty of time before he gets here. I guess I should get ready. I sat my phone back down on the bedside table as I get for my bed. I walk over to my wardrobe and pick out an outfit. After changing I sat back down on my bed and played some game on my phone.

《《《《Time skip》》》》

After around a hour and a half I turned off my phone and shoved it in my pocket I quickly walked downstairs to see Japan already waiting there. "Hey Y/n!" He says happily. "I'm sorry did I make you wait?" I ask. "Oh no not at all I just got here, anyways come on let's get walking to the park!" He says before grabbing my hand and walking out the door. I blush slightly at the contact. After a second he realized and let go of my hand.

We walked for a few minutes with it mostly being a one-sided conversation with Japan talking about some movie he saw about firefighters and people that control fire. After he mostly spoiling the entire movie we made it to the park. We were the only people there and we really just walked around the park and talked. Even if it wasn't much I feel like a grew closer to Japan.

We continued to walk around the park when I noticed an unfamiliar face, someone I hadn't met before. He was walking a bit away from us and looked like he was carrying some books and papers. Japan seemed to notice that I wasn't paying attention to him anymore and you looked over to where I was looking.

"GERMANY, HEY YOU'RE FANILLY OUT OF YOUR HOUSE!!" Japan yelled walking over to him. Germany jumped slightly at the sound of Japan's loud voice, which made him drop a couple of papers. I quickly followed behind Japan. Germany sighed before turning to Japan. "Oh. Guten tag Japan." He said with a tired and quiet voice. "Hiii. Germany! Oh hey now that I think about it Germany you haven't met Y/N yet right?" Japan asks. Germany looks at Japan with a confused look before finally noticing that I was standing beside Japan. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't notice you. Uh h-hello I'm Germany." He says nicely.

"Well hi Germany it's nice to meet you." I say with a smile. I also grab the papers he had dropped and hand them to him. He thanks me and takes them. We talked for a minute before he said he needed to leave. "Ok bye Germany." I say. He waves goodbye with he's free hand and walks away.

"Oh hey sorry Y/N to cut this date short but I need to get home and start cooking dinner, so I'll talk to you later." He said before waving goodbye and walking back to his house.

I wave back to him. Then I realized what he just said. Did, did he just call this a date? I blush. Then I realized something else.

How do I get back to Britain's house.?

Word count: 751 words

A/N: hi everyone I'm not dead yet, but it's 5am, I'm tired but I decided to write another chapter. Although I'm not sure if I'm continuing this or not. I just saw the fact that a lot of people have read this story and some people probably want the next chapter so here you go. Also sorry if I messed stuff up.

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