Two Down, Two To Go.

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Zaiden POV

We are at a hotel and I am looking at my phone.

Bunny comes out of the bathroom with a sheer dress on that stops mid-thigh. She hugs herself and I stand up.

I put my phone in my pocket and I grab my keys. "Time to go."

We are in Reno city on our way to a popular club. Bunny doesn't know, but my next victim is one of her other bullies.

Once we get to the lobby many eyes lands on Bunny. "You have all eyes on you. How do you feel?"

She ignores my question as we walk to the car. I start smiling as I imagine Bunny crying when we kill her bully.

I look at her and she is staring out the window.

We pull up to the club and we get out. We skip the line and I show the bouncer my phone and he lets us in.

We walk in and I pull Bunny towards me. "Go walk around. Don't even try anything."

She looks up at me, "You're leaving me again?"

I start laughing, "Maybe, maybe not. Depends on how I feel."

I walk off and she grabs my arm, "D-Don't leave me."

"Why? Do you feel safer with me?" She lets my arm go and I walk off.

I walk upstairs to the VIP section. A man stops me and I raise my eyebrow, "Where's the owner? I heard she sits up here."

He looks at me and I show him my phone, "Walk all the way to the back and you will see her."

He lets me by and I smile, "Mask Man is a very useful person." I say to myself as I put my phone in my pocket.

I walk to the back like the bouncer said and I find the person I'm looking for. I stand in front of her section and she looks at me.

Her eyes widen when she realizes who I am. She runs up to me and gives me a hug, "Oh my god!! Zaiden Thompson!! It's been a long time!! How are you?!"

I hug her back, "I've been good. What about you, Nora?" She laughs, "I've been good. I was told that you want me to do a job for you."

I nod my head and smile, "Yeah, but first, lets dance."

I take her hand in mine and we walk downstairs. I wonder what lie Mask Man told her.

Me and Nora used to live in the same neighborhood together. I forgot I even knew this woman until Mask Man told me about her.

"Don't you live in Las Vegas? You drove almost seven hours to come and see me."

I look around as we get on the dance floor, "They say you're the person to go to if I don't want to get my hands dirty."

She puts her front on my back and starts grinding against me. I look straight ahead and see Bunny sitting at a table.

"I actually came here with someone." I turn her around and she wraps her arms around my neck, "Oh really? Who?"

"Take an educated guess."

She looks up and then shrugs her shoulders, "How the hell am I supposed to guess someone if we haven't seen each other in years?"

A woman walks past us with a tray of drinks and Nora takes two shots off the tray. "One for me and one for you."

I drink the shot and she laughs, "Now tell me who's the guest of honor."

I turn her back around and point towards Bunny, "I-Is that Loner Lyric?! Oh my god!! What the hell is she doing here?!"

She starts laughing as we look at an uncomfortable Bunny.

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