You Being Alive Can Be Your Way of Thanking Me.

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Zaiden POV

I watch as Bunny stabs a man in the stomach and then stabs them in the chest. I look at Harvey and laugh, "You're going to watch all of this happen."

I drag him through the crowd and throw him against the wall, "Don't even think about moving."

I see some rope and I tie his arms behind his back and then I tie his legs together. I look at Bunny and smile when she kicks a man in the face and then put the knife through his head.

I walk up to Bunny as she fights the men. Cain and Niall get all of the women and take them to the elevator. "I'm staying here just in case something goes wrong." Leo says as he walks past me.

One man grabs Bunny by the neck and before I can do anything Bunny lifts her leg and kicks him in the face. He drops Bunny and she jumps on top of him and hit him on the head with a chair.

The chair breaks and she picks up the chair's leg and stab it in the man's chest.

She continues to go on her killing spree for the next five minutes.

I smile as she kills each man with a smile on her face.

All of a sudden a man punches Bunny in the face and she falls. She tries to get up, but instead the man pulls her up by her hair. I walk up to them and Bunny laughs, "You just pissed off Zaidy."

I pick up the knife Bunny dropped a long time ago and walk up behind the man. I slice his neck and he falls limp to the floor.

Bunny runs for the last man. She jumps up and kicks him in the stomach making him fall to the floor. I throw the knife and it lands in the man's stomach. Bunny takes the knife and straddles the man. She stabs the man in the eye and laugh.

She catches her breath and I walk up to her, "That was fun." She says with a smile on her face.

She has blood all over her and I help her up. I kiss her on the lips and she moans. I pull away and she pouts, "More. I want more, Zaidy."

I smile and squeeze her ass, "You have one more person to deal with."

I point towards Harvey and she smiles. We walk up to Harvey and he starts crying. "P-Please. Don't do this."

Bunny bends down in front of him, "Why shouldn't I?"

I hand her my gun and she shoots Harvey in the leg. "Let's die slowly, okay?"

He screams in pain and cry. She shoots him in the stomach and he gasps. He coughs up blood and Bunny stands up.

She puts her foot on his face, "Bye-bye."

She hands me the gun back and I see Leo from the corner of my eye staring at us with wide eyes, "I didn't know she can do all that."

He looks at Bunny and then at me, "You're going to stay here until this place gets cleaned up." Leo says as he points at the mess in front of us.

We see the elevator doors open and a group of men comes in. We hear a few of them gag and I laugh. I point at Bunny, "She did all of this. It's wasn't me this time."

Bunny smiles and waves at them, "Zaidy said I could have fun."

Leo shakes his head, "You two are really on a different level."

Cain and Niall walk up to us, "Lyric did this?" Niall asks with his hand over his mouth.

Bunny nods her head, "Yeah, I did. Zaidy killed one person."

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