Special Place.

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Zaiden POV

I look over at Kade and see him and Jasmine sucking each other faces off. Jasmine pulls away from Kade and looks at Bunny.

"I need to take Bunny to the entrance of the stage."

I glare at Jasmine, "Call her something else."

She winks at me and take Bunny by the hand and walk out. I follow Kade to the front.

"Can you tell your woman to call Bunny something else? I'm the only one who can call Bunny Bunny."

He looks back at me with a playful smirk on his face, "Nope. She does what she wants unless I don't want her doing it."

"Ever since we found your woman you have been playfully smirking and laughing a lot lately."

He hums in response, "Really? I don't think anything has been different."

I roll my eyes and he laughs, "Let's go watch your Bunny dance so I can go home and fuck like there's no tomorrow."

We go to the front of the stage and sit down. A few minutes later Jasmine comes from the back and sits on Kade's lap.

Seconds later music starts playing.

"Tonight we will have a guest dancer! Give it up for Bunny!"

I look at Jasmine and she laughs, "I wish I was recording! Do you see your face?!"

"I'm definitely going to get you back for this." She winks at me and I look at Kade who is watching Bunny walk down the stage.

Bunny walks up to the pole and starts dancing. She walks around the pool and men cheer, "Bunny you are so sexy!" A man yells and I glare at Jasmine.

She starts laughing at me and she throws a few bills on the stage, "Bunny! Sexy Woman!"

Bunny climbs the pole and hangs upside down. She looks at me and I wink at her.

She spins down the pole and crawls on the floor. She opens her legs with her eyes still on me and I feel myself get hard.

I look over at Jasmine, "How long is this performance?"

She shrugs her shoulders, "I have no idea. Why?"

I look back at Bunny and she walks off the stage and starts dancing on some random man.

"Is that Lyric Dime?!" I look behind me and see a woman standing near our table.

Jasmine rolls her eyes and I smile, "You must be Paisley Becker."

She looks at me, "What's your name?"

She bends down and rub my arm, "Zaiden. I actually came to see you dance."

She walks around me and then straddles me. "I see that your friend is already excited."

I look past her and see Bunny looking at us. Paisley starts dancing on me and Jasmine rolls her eyes, "How do you know Bunny?"

I ask her, "We used to go to high school together. Who would have thought she would end up here? What about you? You're talking like you know her."

From the corner of my eye I see Jasmine glaring at us, "I do know her. Bunny came here with me."

She looks at me, "Really? How did someone like Lyric get a fine sexy man like yourself?"

I look back over at Bunny and she is back on the pole. The music turns off and Bunny walks to the back.

Paisley gets off of me, "I'm next. Watch me dance?"

I smile at her, "Of course."

She walks to the back and I look over at Kade and Jasmine. I notice that Kade has his hand in between Jasmine's legs.

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