I Can Die Now!

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Zaiden POV

I am down in the basement with a man. "Who wants me dead?! I did nothing wrong!!"

I look over at Bunny and see her staring at the man with no emotion, "You're on my kill list."

He glares at me as I walk to the table behind him, "What the fuck is this kill list?!"

I look at him and smile, "I saw this on tv. A man killed this other man by slowly pouring acid on him. He started from his feet and went all the way up to his head. That's how you're going to die."

He looks at Bunny, "Who is she? Someone you're fucking?"

He smiles at Bunny, "If he kills me my people will come after you."

I raise my eyebrow and Bunny tilts her head to the side, "As long as they kill me I'm fine by it."

I start laughing and the man looks at me, "Bunny's ready to die, I just won't give her the satisfaction."

He looks at me with a disgusted look, "I don't like it when men look at me like that. It's a horrible feeling."

I walk up to Bunny and pull her towards me. I walk back in front of the man and open Bunny's robe.

"See, she doesn't even care that I'm showing her body off." I hold her wrist up, "She even tried to kill herself but didn't succeed. She's not fully broken yet."

Bunny turns around and looks up at me, "Aren't you going to fuck me in front of him? You do it all the time."

I grab her ass and smile, "You want me to fuck you?" I push her and she falls back on the man.

She leans back against the man and raises her right leg. She wraps it around my waist and pulls me towards her. I cup her face, "Where's the emotion Bunny? All I see is cold eyes."

I grind against her and she lets out a soft moan, "Like you said I'm broken, aren't I?"

I lick her lip, "Not all the way broken. Like I said you're almost there."

She looks at the man, "He's hard."

I look at the man and laugh, "Do you like it when Bunny is on you?" I pull Bunny off of him, "Do you want to fuck Bunny?"

I cup Bunny's pussy and laugh, "You can't, she's only had sex with one person and that's me."

I grind against Bunny's ass, "You made me so fucking hard."

She pushes back on me, "Then fuck me."

I push her back against the man and pull my pants down. She puts her hands on his shoulders and I push myself inside of her.

I let out a low groan and she lets out a soft moan, "Fuck! I will never get tired of this pussy!"

She wiggles her ass and I laugh, "Be patient."

I slam my hips against her and she moans out louder. I look at the man and he has his eyes on her chest, "Staring too hard, aren't we?"

He looks at me and clears his throat. He closes his eyes and I fuck Bunny. I rub her clit, "More! Fuck me more!"

I laugh when I realize what she's doing, "I see what you're doing. It's not going to work. I will make you enjoy this even if I have to go slow."

She looks at me, "First you won't kill me and now you won't fuck me hard. I just want to feel pain."

I slowly move my hips and her leg starts shaking, "No pain, but pleasure, yes."

I push her against the man and I laugh, "Open your eyes. This is your last time seeing a woman. You better get a good look."

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