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i did not with intention, try to copy the perks of being a wallflower or 13 reasons why. apologies if it is seen that i have.

luke's life has been anything remotely close to spectacular, remarkable, or even slightly interesting.

he had an underpaying day job at the local bakery.

he had two marvellous best friends, calum and michael, who happened to live in the crusty apartment right next to his.

he even had a pet fish named rodney, but he was well close to death.

luke was on his regular walk from his tiring work to home. stopping by the florist to greet his vibrantly coloured haired friend.

"good day, michael," he chirped, noticing how his friend kept on muttering blasphemous words under his hot, frustrated breath. michael was never really good at wrapping bouquets.

michael soon gave up, and gave luke a pleading look so he could do it for him. luke chuckled, and neatly did it in one go.

luke then left the florist to get back to his warm and cozy apartment.

when he gently opened the heavy door at the building's lobby, he was flirtatiously greeted by the boy who worked as a barista by the horrid cafe downstairs. he awkwardly smiled back at the boy with spikey red hair and slightly yellow teeth.

he entered the fetid and almost broken elevator, and waited a good five minutes for the cluttering lift to actually start. he honestly would've gone by the stairs, but last time he did, he almost fell sixteen stories to the ground.

after the long and terrifying ten minutes of waiting and worrying, luke finally got out of the elevator that really should've taken him no longer than one minute to get him to his home.

just as luke was about to hazily walk right into his door, he noticed that there was a small box on the ground. he stopped himself from risking the chance of getting a concussion, just to pick up this plain box that was on his doorstep.

with a quiet 'huh', and the act of ramming his keys in the keyhole, luke was finally in his clustered apartment. luke placed himself upon his stained couch, and opened the stubborn box. there laid one singular black cassette with inked scribbles all over it.

luke fumbled around with the cassette tape, remembering that his brother, ben left his walkmann in his storage room no longer than four months ago.

he swinged the storage room's door right open, and began his search to find the yellow and black walkman. after half an hour of frantic searching, luke was just about to give up.

'this honestly wouldn't have happened if i weren't such a curious snob.' he thought, as a frustrated puff of air escaped his lips. he sat on the floor, butt on ankles, and hands on floor. just as he was about to give up, he noticed a small yellow coloured thing behind the door.

a glint of hope was all that encouraged luke to actually stand up and bother to discover what was behind the door. he got up and groaned as a flattened cardboard box fell on his head.

"stupid gravity," he muttered, as he grabbed the walkman behind the door.

luke smiled, as he walked out of the dusty storage room, bringing himself to the newly found cassette that laid on his stained couch. he rammed side 'a' of the cassette downwards, as he placed the dusty headphones in. ((lol i don't know how cassettes or walkmans work sue me))

luke was shocked to hear a rough male voice playing on the scribbled piece of plastic and film.


lol this sucks but whatever hi

question: if you could make a band, what would you call it?

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