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about a week passed, and luke, michael, and calum were all on the roof of their apartment, gulping out of the same bottle of vodka.

as the seconds passed, distanced screams were heard beyond. calum stood up and smiled, grabbing the bottle out of michael's hands, taking a small sip. luke checked his watch, then guided his two friends towards the dark ledge.

the three sat in silence, admiring the clustered view of sydney. calum crept his hand to michael's, interwinding his long fingers to his significant other's. luke smiled at the two's behaviour, and snapped his neck up when he noticed that the screams got louder.

"ten," michael whispered, talking yet another sip of the alcoholic substance, passing it to luke. calum rested the left side of his head on michael's shoulder, sighing at his distraught thoughts.

"five," luke mumbled along with the distanced cheers, wiping his saliva off the bottle.




"one" the three said is union.

"happy new year, assholes," luke emotionlessly cheered without reply. luke looked to his side to see his two best friends practically snogging. luke chuckled and 'kissed' the bottle, tilting his head back, laughing.

after several minutes of drunken silence, the three scurried off the ledge that could've possibly killed them.

once luke was alone in his apartment, he realised that he hasn't talked to this ashton boy he met at the coffee shop.

he added the number to his contacts and hesitantly messaged first.

((please remember that lukey is drunk and he has a flip phone <3))

luke: hgey

ashton: hey, who's this?

luke: luke thr boy from the ccoffe shosp

luke: please ddont tell me i got the wrong nymber xD ((*cringes at 'xD'*))

ashton: oh yeah, i remember you. happy new year!

luke: back at u. hey r u doing anyibg this weekend??

ashton: am i ever doing anything?

luke: ???????

ashton: sorry, lame humour. but sure! i'm free this weekend.

luke: k do u want to meet up by the skate park on satUrday??

ashton: alright, i'm in. see you there then xx i've gotta go though

ashton: bye

luke: bye!,

|| ass ||

luke woke up with a minor hangover, and all he wanted to do was listen to the cassettes the anonymous person gave him, and maybe talk to this ashton boy he met not over a week ago.

but instead he's laying in bed, crying about his nearly dead fish and the fact that he has to pay his rent in about a week.

luke's life was okay, but during this single fragment of time, he wasn't quite sure he was grateful for his own life.


sorry the ending was really rushed bc i had to finish it quickly lol

luke u text like a twink i love it

question: if you could eat anything rn what'd it be?

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