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cassette 1 side a

"hi, you're luke hemmings, and i'm an anonymous loser with too many problems. you're a friend of one of my friends, please don't try to find out who i am.

"my friend said you were good at listening, and to be honest, i'm not good with dealing with my problems, so he said i should 'talk' to you."

there was a long silence. luke was vaguely confused, yet, interested.

"i don't particularly enjoy talking. speaking is a waste of words. why would we waste such precious things?

"i may as well pummel you with my main life crisis, what else is there to talk about as a stranger?

there was a deep chuckle heard on the other side of the tape. luke believed their laughter was beautiful.

"as a child, my mum was never home, i grew up on my own, pondering why she never brought me to wherever she was going. she'd go to phenomenal places like america, egypt, and france, she'd bring my two younger siblings, lauren and harry, but never myself.

"i taught myself to shave, i walked myself to school, i even sometimes even paid the bills myself!" the voice choked. luke worried for the poor soul, he wishes he was there for the lonely child.

luke stayed on the couch, frozen, he couldn't move, he suddenly felt like movement was just a waste of energy.

"i had one friend in elementary, his name was joe. joe was a nice kid, i mean like, he'd let me go to his house almost every weekend, and he'd share his lunch with me when he found out i couldn't afford food.

"but the thing is, joe's life wasn't that nice either, his parents were always fighting, yet they were somehow still maried. his brother was in the military. he knew what he was doing, he knew he wasn't on a 'holiday' every three months.

"and his sister, god, what a unfortunate being. his sister had some form of cancer. i don't remember what it was, 'cause y'know, it was like twelve years ago. god, i wish i remmebered.

"all the attention went to sally, joe's sister. joe wasn't given much in life, but he was thankful."

a knock was heard on the other side of the door, luke knew it was either michael or calum, it couldn't have been anyone else.

luke stopped the emotional rollercoaster, then crawled off the couch to open the door.

both calum and michael stood by the other side, holding three cans of beer and some takeout. luke grinned, and escorted them inside.

"hey! the big game's on tonight!" calum whooped, flopping off the couch.

"you sound like you're still in high school," luke laughed, as he got some plates for dinner.

((so i don't get american football. gridiron. so i'm just going to do AFL ok? okay.))

so far collingwood had been smashing time team that both calum and luke were rooting for, and they both were almost in tears. whilst michael was howling in laughter because he couldn't care less about sports.

after everything died down, the three lazily talked on the couch.

calum was fiddling with the couch, when he finally got hold on something.

"what's this?" calum asked, as he explored the plastic glory.

"oh, it's um, a walkman," luke stuttered. he has no idea why he was so nervous about it.

michael stared at the conversation, saying not a solitary word.

calum's eyebrows raised, as he tossed it back on the couched, luke cringed at the silent clatter that the crash caused.

after a few rounds of fifa, and a talk about the new worker at the local grocery store, the three finally parted ways. well, more like, calum and michael got exauseted, and decided to cuddle on luke's couch, and he 'kicked' them out.

luke sighed, as we went to check if the walkman was alright. thankfully, it was, and luke decided to listen a little more about the boy's life.

"i always thought sports were such a peculiar activity. how people can exercise with such fluency and energy. it's baffleing.

"music too, is a peculiar activity. although, i have a firmer understanding to it, as for i play the drums
luke rubbed his temple, as he grabbed his bulky second hand laptop, then connected the internet cable for it. yes, it was that old.

he went on tumblr, laughing at the occasional humorous thing.

but he never stopped the walkman, he was so intrigued by this poor boy's story.

"i don't know man, maybe i'll tell you more about myself later, if you want, you can press side b. only if you want."

luke was tired in all honesty, and he was getting a bit of a headache by the huge mass of talking he had experienced today.

luke ejected the cassette, fumbling around with it, then he fell asleep on the couch with his overheated laptop on his lap.


wow this chapter was pointless!!!!,!

did u know joe can easily be typoed into hoe. ur whale-cum

question: favourite 5sos song?

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