^Next day^
Sun rays were hitting my eyes, I tried blocking it with my hands, but reality hit me.
"SHIT! IM LATE!" I screamed as I made my way towards the bathroom and started changing and getting ready.
After a good 10 mins I was finally ready and started my car, and drove off to the airport.
Thank God I had only one bag to take, so packing was done sooner than expected.
I made my way towards the boarding section and I was finally on my seat.
The flight is 3 hours, so sleeping is the best option for me so far.

^after 3 hours^
I was sleeping peacefully and heard the pilot saying about the landing in 15 mins. I got up and and woke myself completely.
I looked out the airplane window and I have to admit that Afghanistan is surely a paradise on Earth.
No wonder why a lot of people are after this beautiful country.
The plane was slowly reaching and without any warning it hit the ground hard making making me and other passengers startled.
I could hear kids crying...loud...very loud.
'Wow, just the thing I wanted' I thought sarcastically.
"Dear passengers, please be patient as we are about to open the doors of the aircraft." Stated the air hostess as we all started getting up and made our ways through the open-air.
I have to admit Kabul's air is exactly what I wanted.
After finishing all the formal procedures, I was welcomed outside by my uncle Fahim with the cars and some bodyguards.
I quickly went and hugged my uncle.
"Fahim uncle, I'm so glad to go see you here!" I exclaimed with excitement.
"I'm glad as well my dear." He replied.
Fahim uncle is mom's younger brother who has been working for mom ever-since dad was gone.
He took care of me as his own daughter and I'm very grateful for that.

Hey guys,
I'm sorry if I'm updating with less writing, but be patient cuz Adnaan's entry is gonna be lit!
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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2020 ⏰

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