Episode 1

499 22 3

Date: May 2, 2019

"Who is she?"

"Why are you yelling Yunho?"

"Fuck Mingi, answer the damn question. Who is she?"

"She's nobody, I'm not cheating on you, drop it already."

"Like hell, you aren't. This number only calls you when I'm not around. Coincidence?"

"Yea it's a fucking coincidence, just let it go."

"You're going to sit there and lie to me Mingi? I found this in your pocket."

Yunho tossed the note he had found in Mingi's pants pocket and watched as it hit his boyfriend's chest before falling to the ground. Mingi glared at him for a moment before picking up the note. He read it and afterward crushed it into a ball.

"You really accusing me of sleeping around on you?"

"I'm asking you who it is. I didn't say you did anything with them," Yunho said backing away from Mingi.

"I didn't do anything. Damn babe, you're really getting on my nerves with this shit. Can we just focus on practice please?"

Yunho nodded, his face telling Mingi off without saying a word. He moved over to the wall and grabbed his bag, leaving shortly after. Mingi closed his eyes and groaned in annoyance.

"You two okay?" Hongjoong asked approaching Mingi.

"I messed up," Mingi said looking at Hongjoong.

"What happened?"

"I went out for a drink and this girl approaches me. With everything going on all this stress and shit. She was an escape from the stress."

"So you cheat on your boyfriend? You just lied to his face Mingi."

"Don't you think I know that. I did the one thing I told him I'd never do and I don't know how to fix it."

"You lied to him Mingi. You're in deep shit right now. He may not forgive you for this but you have to talk to him because if it were me I'd kick your ass to the curb," Hongjoong said moving pass Mingi. "Oh and I'd do it tonight before he has time to think about it."

Mingi ran his hand over his face and exhaled loudly. He messed up bad and he needed to figure out how to fix it. Was there any fixing it? He grabbed his bag and left the practice room. He had to catch up to Yunho and talk to him. It didn't take long to find him. Yunho was in the cafeteria grabbing a snack as Mingi approached him.

"Can we talk?" Mingi asked stepping in front of Yunho.

Yunho looked up, saw Mingi, and moved around him.

"Yunho," Mingi said as he watched him walk off. "Please."

"What do you want?" Yunho asked turning his head to look back at Mingi.

"I'm sorry."

"You know for someone who claims they didn't do anything why are you apologizing?"

Mingi walked up to Yunho and grabbed him by the arm, leading him out of the cafeteria and into the hall.

"Let go of me," Yunho shouted snatching his hand away from Mingi.

"Alright, I did it okay," Mingi said looking at Yunho. "I cheated, are you happy now?"

"Why would anyone be happy to find out the person they thought they could trust turns out to be a liar?"

"Mingi, just talk to me please, without all of this extra."

"Fine, explain to me why my boyfriend is out sleeping with female dogs."

Mingi sighed. He knew Yunho would be upset, and he couldn't blame him. He'd cheated on him. He told Yunho when he told him he wanted to date him that he would be upfront and honest and now this was happening.

"It was the night we'd had an argument and I was stressed about the practice and all this shit that was happening. I went to the bar and this girl comes up. She starts telling me about stuff that's happening in her life and I shared some things about mine. I don't know if it was the alcohol, but the next thing I know we're at her place."



"Just stop. Did we mean anything to you?"


"Then why the hell would you do this?"

"Yunho please," Mingi said reaching out to grab Yunho. It was swift, but he immediately knew he'd made the wrong move. Yunho's hand collided with his face and the slap resounded through the halls.

"Listen to me Mingi, and listen well. Go find that girl you were with that you cared more about than me because we are done," Yunho said storming off. Mingi held the side of his face as he watched Yunho leave. He turned around and kicked the wall before storming off in the opposite direction.

May 6, 2019

"Yunho, stop crying," Seonghwa said sitting next to Yunho on the couch in the dorm. He placed a cup of tea in his hand and sighed. "It's bee four days since you two spoke."

"You know hyung, I never knew it could hurt this much to trust someone," Yunho said looking up at Seonghwa before looking down at his cup of tea.

"Drink the tea and calm down. I know people say talk to him, and I know you've heard it a million times, but you have to forgive him Yunho."

Yunho's eyes darted to Seonghwa and he shook his head.

"Not for him, but for you. When somebody hurts you they take power over you, if you don't forgive them then they keep the power. Forgive him and after you forgive him, forgive yourself."

Just as Seonghwa finishes speaking, Mingi walks into the living room, and their eyes meet.


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