Episode 6

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Yunho left the hotel in a hurry. He hadn't called anyone and instead took a cab back to the dorm. He needed to gather his thoughts before facing Mingi. He thought about Seonghwa's words. Everyone deserves a second chance, right? The driver pulled up in front of the dorm and Yunho got out, paying the cab driver. It took him a moment to garner up the nerve to enter the building. As he approached the dorm front door, he hesitated. He just had amazing sex with a guy who treated him like a prince. What was he doing now? The heart wants what it wants, and no matter which way you try to deceive it, in the end, it yearns for what it needs. As he turned the knob to open the door, he ran directly into Mingi.

"Hey," he said softly.

"Hey," Yunho said looking at him. He was avoiding eye contact. "Where are you headed?"

"I just needed some fresh air," Mingi said. He'd been crying. Yunho could tell by the puffiness of his eyes and the fact that they were slightly red.

"Can we talk?" Yunho asked.

"Yunho, every time we talk we end up arguing. I don't want to anymore. You have a great guy, someone who treats you right. Someone who is better than me. You shouldn't be wasting your time with me."

"Mingi," Yunho said softly. Mingi finally looked up and their eyes locked. He seemed distant now. It was odd. Mingi seemed lost.

"Just let go Yunho."

"Have you? Have you let go?" Yunho asked as Mingi looked at him for a moment before trying to move around Yunho. Yunho grabbed his wrist. Mingi froze when he felt Yunho's hand against his face. He slowly turned his head until their eyes met again.

"Have you?" Yunho asked again.

"I'm a fool Yunho," Mingi said. "I've tried so hard to repair this, I've done everything I could, but nothing was enough. I don't know how to earn your trust back Yunho and I'm tired. You'll be better off with someone else you can trust." Mingi reached up and removed Yunho's hand from his face and his wrist.

"Mingi," Yunho said his voice nearly a whisper.

Mingi took the opportunity to create distance between them. He moved down the hall and headed towards the exit. Yunho, at first didn't know what to do, but he heard a voice, it sounded like Yeosang saying 'go after him' and he found himself rushing after Mingi. By the time he caught up with him, Mingi was standing near the street watching cars drive by. Yunho approached slowly.

"Mingi, I'm sorry if I made you feel as if you were less than," Yunho said standing in front of him. "I honestly don't know why I can't move on from you. Every time I was with him I thought about you. You, the man who hurt me more than anyone else. I don't understand why my heart yearns for you but it does."

Mingi looked at him and blinked a few times.

"I'd rather you be happy with Dino, or someone you trust than to be with me and always have in the back of your head if you can trust me or not. What kind of relationship is that Yunho? I understand I messed up, but I'm trying."

"I know. Can we start over? Can we start from the day we first kissed? The day we looked into each other's eyes and realized how much we cared about each other?"

Mingi looked into his eyes. He smiled warmly because that's all he wanted to do was try. It was worth a shot to make him happy, but he felt the guilt. Yunho was happy without him, but Yunho was also standing in front of him asking for a redo on their relationship.

"If you're okay with it, then I am," Mingi said as he reached down and softly grabbed Yunho's hand, pulling them to his chest. Yunho could feel Mingi's heartbeat. "My heart beats for you, and all I want is for you to be happy. Whatever makes you happy will make me happy."

The sound of screeching tires interrupted the moment between them. It happened so fast. One moment he was standing in front of Mingi, and the next Mingi was throwing him to the side to avoid the out of control car that struck Mingi. His body smashed into the windshield and rolled off the hood. Yunho gasped when he realized what had happened. He crawled over to Yunho. Blood. He saw blood. That was never a good sign.

"Mingi," Yunho said. There was no response. "Mingi?" he said again reaching a trembling hand out to touch him. Mingi coughed, blood spewing from his mouth.

"Yunho," Mingi said weakly.

"I'm here," Yunho said.

"It's cold."

Yunho held his hand telling him to save his energy. He fumbled for his phone, but onlookers who'd witnessed the accident had already called emergency services. When they arrived, Yunho was pulled to his feet and asked what felt like a million questions. Mingi was taken away and he stood there.

"I want to go with him," Yunho said to the EMS team. "Please."

"Are you family?"

"Yes, I just need to be close to him."

The paramedic looked at Yunho as if he understood and nodded allowing Yunho to climb into the back of the ambulance.

"Mingi if you leave me I swear to God," Yunho said to Mingi as he held his hand. Finally, the dam broke and Yunho cried holding Mingi's hand, shaking slightly. "Please don't leave me."


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