Episode 5

197 13 0

Date: August 15, 2019

Ten days since the fight between Dino and Mingi and Yunho was worried. Dino was busy with his schedules and still made time to call him and talk to him. He asked what Mingi was to him. The generic 'he's just a friend' response was used a lot, but Yunho didn't lie. He explained everything to Dino. The only thing he didn't tell him about was the cheating. He avoided that conversation altogether, and for good reason. Even after all the time had passed, he wanted to leave it behind and not think about it. Dino was an escape for him. Whenever he was with Mingi, it felt as if it was forced. Not on Mingi's part because Mingi really was trying to change for the better. In the morning, he would bring Yunho breakfast and check on him. At night he would knock on his door and ask him if he needed anything.

Yunho had noticed the change in Mingi and it was touching, but now he felt guilty because there was still an unexplored territory with Dino. At no point did he tell Mingi they were dating, and at no point did he give any sign that they would get back together. It didn't matter to Mingi. He'd felt hurt that day and although it wasn't the exact same as what he'd done to Yunho, he knew all too well how close it was and how much he hated the fact that he'd caused Yunho such tremendous pain. Yunho was doing his usual. He was talking to Dino on the phone when Mingi knocked gently on the door. It was the evening time and the members wanted to go see a movie.

"Yea?" Yunho called out.

"Hongjoong wants to know if you're going to get dressed at any point," Mingi said.

"I'm almost done, give me a minute," Yunho said pulling on his shirt. He grabbed a necklace from his dresser and ended the call with Dino. The guy was too sweet making kissing noises over the phone. When he put the necklace on and looked in the mirror, he paused. The necklace had been a gift from Mingi to commemorate their anniversary when they were dating. He reached up and touched it gently, a tear falling down his face as Mingi's knock brought him back. Shaking his head, he sighed. He still loved him. He grabbed his wallet and opened the door to see a smiling Mingi standing in the entrance.

"You're annoying," Yunho said.

"And you're amazing," Mingi replied. Yunho smiled but quickly moved around Mingi.

He was silent during the movie. As fate would have it Mingi had sat beside him holding the bucket of popcorn. As he reached into the bucket, Mingi was also reaching into the bucket. Their hands touched and they looked at one another, eyes locking. There was something there, still, after all this time. His heartbeat quickened and he blinked to break the hypnotic spell that Mingi's eyes held over him. Turning to face the movie, he sighed. Mingi swallowed and couldn't take his eyes off of Yunho for another minute. This was torture for both of them, but Yunho still didn't trust Mingi. He was doing so many things for him, and he appreciated them, but he didn't want any of that, he just wanted to trust him again. How could he trust him again?

"That movie was okay," Hongjoong said as the group walked out of the theatre and into the waiting car.

"Mingi, are you okay? You've been silent," Seonghwa asked looking back at him.

"Yea, I'm good," Mingi said throwing a quick glance in Yunho's direction before looking out of the window.

August 17, 2019

Yunho was supposed to meet Dino in a few minutes to hang out. Dino wanted to take him out to an expensive restaurant to be alone and Yunho was actually excited about it. He didn't know what jacket to wear. He'd called for Wooyoung minutes ago, but the younger hadn't come yet. A knock came at his room door and he opened it. Mingi was standing there a soft smile on his face.

"Wooyoung sent me. He said you needed help with something," Mingi said.

"Really? I'm going to choke him," Yunho said.

Mingi raised his eyebrows.

"So what did you need help with?"

"It's nothing."

"Really, let me help," Mingi insisted.

Yunho looked at him. This would hurt him, he knew it. It would hurt him and he didn't want that, but Mingi was insistent on helping.

"I'm trying to pick out a jacket to wear to dinner tonight."

"Dinner? Are you going with one of the guys?" Mingi asked.

"I'm going with Dino."

Mingi's eyes showed the shattering of his heart that his face refused to show. He kept the small smile even though it wavered slightly at the news.

"Oh, let me see," he said walking further into the room.

Yunho looked at him. He felt a lump in his own chest that wouldn't go down even though he tried to force it. Instead, he cleared his throat and picked up the two options.

"That one. It brings out your eyes and your smile. It's your favorite color."

The jacket Mingi chose was the same one Yunho felt was the right choice. He couldn't help but look at Mingi who was leaning against the wall.

"You remembered my favorite color?"

"How can I forget it? Anyway, have fun. See you when you get back."

Mingi left Yunho's room and moved towards his room door.

"Mingi are you alright?" Jongho asked noticing the look on his face.

"Yea, I'm good," Mingi lied closing the door behind him. He slid down until he was sitting on the floor and let the tears that he'd held back for a while flow. He'd lost him. He'd lost the one man he loved because of his own insecurities. What more could he do except be happy for him that he found someone who made him happy. Mingi ran his hand over his face and let his head rest against the wall.


The dinner was amazing. Yunho found it hard to resist Dino's charms, but the entire time he was with Dino, his mind flickered to Mingi. Even when they went to the hotel to end the night, his mind would flash images of Mingi. Dino would ask him if he was alright and Yunho nodded. He didn't want to tell Dino that he was thinking about his ex while with him. Even during their intimate exploration of one another, Yunho still couldn't get him out of his head. Dino's lips were soft. His kisses took Yunho to places he didn't think possible, and as they lay intertwined in one another, Yunho was restless.

"Dino," he said softly looking into his eyes.

"You still love him don't you," Dino said removing a strand of hair from his face.

Yunho sat up in the bed and exhaled. He didn't understand why his heart yearned for Mingi the way it did, but perhaps he didn't need to know the answer.

"Listen. Yunho you're an amazing guy and I enjoy all the time we spend together; however, I would never get in the way of your happiness. As much as I want to be that guy, if your heart belongs to another I can't. All I can do is cheer you on and be a friend you can rely on, but if you ever change your mind you know how to find me."

Yunho looked at Dino and smiled, kissing him on the forehead before getting dressed.

"Thank you for everything," Yunho said as he left the hotel room.

To Be Continued...

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