Episode 7

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Yunho sat in the waiting room twiddling his thumbs wiping a tear whenever it fell. He was shaken by what had happened. Mingi had saved his life and had taken the full brunt of the car. The blood was fresh in his mind. He couldn't get it out of his head. Mingi's body lying on the ground not moving, barely able to speak, his words so soft like a whisper. Another tear fell and Yunho quickly wiped it away. He would be okay, he had to be okay. He couldn't lose Mingi. He meant too much. The other members were on their way and Yunho was scared.

"Excuse me, are you family of Mingi?"

Yunho looked up as the nurse stood in the doorway of the waiting room.

"Yes," he said nervously.

"Can you come with me?"

Yunho stood slowly and shakily. He felt like he was going to throw up. He wanted to know if Mingi was okay. He couldn't stop thinking about it. Why had he pushed him out of the way? Yunho followed the nurse down a hall. She maintained conversation, explaining that she would rather talk in a room without bystanders. His friends were on the way, but he would relay whatever message they gave him while he was there. As they rounded the corner, the nurse opened a door to a room and smiled. Yunho was hesitant, but he stepped into the room and saw Mingi with various cables attached to him.

"I know it when I see it" the nurse began looking at Yunho. "I noticed it when I saw you walk in after we received him. The paramedic also told me about you two. I'm not going to get all in your business, but I wanted you to have some time with him. I'll give you 20 minutes. After that, you have to return to the waiting room for the doctor to address your manager."

Yunho looked at the nurse. She was giving him time with Mingi. More importantly, Mingi was alive. He thanked the nurse and moved further into the room, sitting next to Mingi.

"I don't know if you can hear me," Yunho said looking at Mingi's bruised face. He reached out and slowly grabbed Mingi's hand. With his other hand, he softly brushed a strand of hair out of Mingi's face. "We may have gone through so much with each other, but I wanted you to know that I love you Mingi. I know you'll make it through this because you're strong. You have so much life ahead of you."

Yunho watched Mingi's chest rise and fall with no sign of consciousness. Twenty minutes passed, and the nurse returned to walk him back to the waiting room. By now the others had arrived and were there to comfort him. Yunho was still concerned. When the doctor arrived, he explained that Mingi had suffered lacerations to the face and body. He had sustained a few broken ribs, and his leg would need time to heal. The doctor explained that there was internal bleeding, but they were able to stop it. They were concerned because he had swelling on the brain and they needed to act swiftly to remove the pressure off of Mingi's brain or he would die. Yunho's face drained of color, but Seonghwa held his hand tightly as their manager explained everything to them.

"For now we aren't able to see him, but they will keep us updated."

Yunho sighed as Seonghwa helped him up. As they were leaving, the nurse rushed over to him.

"Excuse me, Yunho right?"

Yunho and Seonghwa turned to face the nurse.

"I will keep an eye on him for you." She moved to give Yunho a hug and as she did, she slipped a card in his hand and whispered in his ear. "Let me know when you want to see him."

With that, she left them and returned to her duties. Seonghwa looked at Yunho with a confused expression, but Yunho shook his head as if he didn't know. Only time would tell if Mingi would pull through, but Yunho was determined to make sure Mingi knew that he cared.

August 25, 2019

Yunho took the time to visit Mingi every other day, talking to him with no response. Ten days. It had been ten days since he was admitted to the hospital. Today was no different. Yunho walked into the hospital after texting the nurse to let her know he was coming. She'd arranged for him to be brought straight to Mingi's room. As he entered in, he sat in his normal seat and grabbed Mingi's hand. Once again, he began the conversation as he normally would, telling Mingi that he didn't know if he could hear him or not, but he hoped he would recover soon so that they could go to Jeju Island. Yunho continued to talk until he felt Mingi's grip tighten on his hand. He looked up and noticed a small smile on Mingi's face.

"You talk a lot," Mingi said softly

Yunho looked at him and would've jumped on him to hug him but he noticed the cables and tubes attached to him. He pulled his hand close to cherish the contact.

"You're an ass," Yunho said. "How could you make me worry like this? When did you come back?"

"Honestly," Mingi said weakly, "I was able to hear you but I couldn't respond until your last visit. You left and the nurse came in and I asked her what was going on."

"Mingi you've been in the hospital for ten days."

"I know, she told me, they said the swelling on my brain has gone down but I'm not out of the woods yet until I'm out of the hospital," Mingi said slowly. The medicine that was being dripped into his body helped ease pain, but also made him very sleepy. "I'm sorry to make you worry," he added closing his eyes.

"It's okay, I'm glad you'll be alright. Get some rest," Yunho said as he kissed Mingi on the forehead. As he released Mingi's hand, Mingi tightened his grip and held on.

"Yunho, I'm going to get out of here, and when I do we're going to Jeju Island," Mingi said drifting off at the end of his statement. Yunho smiled as Mingi's grip loosened.

"When you get out of here we will go wherever you want," Yunho said softly as he prepared to leave. He thought he heard Mingi say something else, but when he listened he didn't hear anything else and left the room shortly after. "I love you Mingi," Yunho said.

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