Episode 8

202 12 0

Date: August 27, 2019

After practice, Yunho hurried back to the dorm to shower and get dressed. By now the news of Mingi's accident had quieted down, and he was thankful. He was tired of getting asked if he was okay, or if the team was okay. After losing Yeosang, it was stressful enough, but then for Mingi to get injured, it was like Deja Vu, and Yunho didn't know if he would survive losing another friend. Silently he wrapped the towel around his waist and looked in the mirror. It had fogged slightly due to the temperature of the water, but with his hand, he wiped a section of the mirror to see his face. He'd lost weight worrying about Mingi, but they'd gotten good news. The doctor had called their manager and informed him that they could visit Mingi. He told their manager Mingi was up and talking. It put a smile on Yunho's face.

Getting dressed, he wore his skinny jeans that were maybe a little too tight considering they hugged his butt and crotch. He wore a button-up flowy shirt that covered his butt. He grabbed his jacket and left the room.

"Oh, Mr. Handsome. Getting all dressed now that Mingi is awake?" San teased.

"Just like you lick your lips every time Wooyoung walks by? Trust me we all see your nasty. We know who the pelvis thrusts are for on stage," Yunho replied throwing a look in San's direction. Everyone laughed at their antics, but he truly was happy that Mingi was recovering. The last that they'd spoken was two days ago and it was short-lived because of the medicine. He wondered if Mingi remembered the conversation they had. They still had yet to have the actual talk regarding their relationship. Yunho felt it wasn't appropriate to bring it up until Mingi was back in the dorm and back to full health. In his current state, Yunho knew he would be too inclined to say yes automatically. Yunho wanted Mingi to have options. After everything they'd been through, he didn't want to take Mingi's choice away from him.

"Can you tell him we'll be there later? We're gonna grab some food beforehand," Hongjoong said moving through the living room pulling on his shirt.

"I will. See you guys later," Yunho said leaving the dorm.

The driver didn't take long to pull up to the hospital. Yunho grabbed his bag and jacket and exited the car. There was a moment of hesitation for Yunho. Mingi was fully alert and aware this time. He was talking and he was healing. Yunho silently entered the room looking at Mingi who had a broad smile on his face.

"Why are you smiling so big?" Yunho asked taking his normal seat.

"Cause you're here," Mingi said, "is there any other reason I should smile?"

"Yea, you're alive for starters.'

"I heard what you said your last visit," Mingi said.

"What are you talking about?" Yunho asked.

"You said you loved me," Mingi said as Yunho blushed and looked away. "Hey, are you okay? I'm worried about you."

"Why are you worrying about me?"

"Because I know you. You've probably been wrestling with me pushing you out of the way, and you're probably wondering why I did it and what I'm after."

"Not really, I have been worried about you and I did wonder for a bit why you wanted to save me, but I guess it's just who you are Mingi."

"I did it because I felt if you'd gotten hit I would've lost you and I knew you'd be able to move on if I died. Truthfully, I was thinking you'd move on and stop worrying about me."

"Why would I not worry about you Mingi? Just because we weren't together, doesn't mean I don't worry."

"Yunho did you mean what you said?"

Yunho looked at him for a moment and wondered what he was talking about.


"You said when I got out of here that we'd go to Jeju Island."

"Why wouldn't I go to Jeju Island with my boyfriend?" Yunho said looking into Mingi's eyes.

He looked shocked at what Yunho had just said. Instead of a smile, his face held concern.

"Did you just say boyfriend?" Mingi asked.

"Why are you shocked?"

"I don't want you to be my boyfriend out of pity or grief Yunho."

"Before the accident, we said we'd take it slow remember? We said we would take it day by day and start over. I'm just skipping the getting to know you phase. I know you, I know what you're capable of. I know you have tried so hard to make sure I could trust you again and that in itself is a gesture that puts me at ease." Yunho leans down and kisses Mingi softly on the lips just as the nurse enters to check his vitals.

Yunho blushes and looks away. When the nurse leaves, Mingi shakes his head.

"Yunho, can we still start over and do it the right way? I want to earn your heart again."

Yunho didn't know what to say. Most guys would use their injuries to get their significant others to go along with what they wanted, but Mingi was trying his best to make sure Yunho was okay and to make sure he earned his trust the right way. Yunho was touched, so much so that he leaned down and kissed Mingi again whispering into his ear. 'I can't wait until you get out of here' before moving a few strands of hair out of Mingi's face.

"How much longer do they expect you to be in here?" Yunho asked.

"Doc said at this rate I'll be out by September."

"Then when you get out and we go to Jeju, I want you to seriously think. What are we? After you figure it out then we can figure out the rest."

"I can answer that now Yunho," Mingi said getting ready to tell Yunho what they were.

"Wait until you're out of this place okay?

"Are the others coming today?" Mingi asked resisting the urge to kiss Yunho even though Yunho was a fair distance from him.

'They'll be here a little later, why are you getting bored of me?"

"Never, I just worry about you getting enough sleep. You come here so much and you have practice and all of that other stuff."

"True, but you're worth it.'

"Yunho, I love you," Mingi said as the pain medicine began to kick in. He slowly drifted to sleep and Yunho stood over here rubbing his hand through his hair.

"I love you too big head."

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