Fighting Feelings

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Thanks for requesting this, BlackKnightRadiant!

Another wonderful Tanjiro request! I'm glad the good son is getting so much love!

I hope y'all enjoy!

Tanjiro x Reader


It was a quiet night.

The wind was rustling the wisteria trees sending their beautiful throughout the surrounding area. The moon was glowing over the butterfly estate.

But all was not calm.

"Tanjiro please! Let me come with you!" You begged. The lantern light flickering across your face and his. Deep emotions pouring from both of you without a word.

He was about to leave on a new mission when you brought up that you wanted to go with him. You couldn't stand seeing him injured and the idea that he could die before he ever got to your care scared you more than anything. You wanted to be with him to provide him with any help that he needed. You have been begging him to take you for over an hour. You were stubborn.

However, Tanjiro was just as stubborn.

"For the last time, no!" He argued. "It's too dangerous for you to leave the estate."

"How is it any different for you? We're both just human, Tanjiro!"

"You can hardly handle a sword, (y/n). Your body is still recovering from your relapse-!"

"I'm fine! I haven't been sick in a long time!"

"(y/n)! The answer is no."

"Why won't you listen to me!" You exclaimed, angry and frustrated that the one you cared the most about was ignoring you. Ignoring your needs and wants. You were strong, you knew how to fight, so why didn't he trust you?

"Because I can't lose you too!" He shouted back, tears in his eyes.

You gasped. Tears filling your eyes.

"Tanjiro..." You sniffled.

"Ahhhhh! I'm so sorry!" Tanjiro apologized in a panic as he tried to calm your tears. "I didn't mean to make you cry..." He gently placed his arms around you. "I just...can't risk losing you."

You didn't realize that he felt that way. You had been in love with him for so long, but you didn't realize that he would be just as lost without you as you would be without him. The moments you would wait for him to get back from his missions, hoping he would be alive and his injuries wouldn't be that bad.

"Tanjiro..." You cried, gripping his haori. You buried your face into his chest, avoiding his face. "I love you..."

You felt his grip tighten on your kimono.

"What was that?" He whispered.

"I love you..."

"Say it again..."

"No, you heard me say it." You pout. He chuckles a bit before gently lifting your face up to look at him.

"I love you too..." He was blushing a lot with a gentle smile. "I love you so much..." You turn bright red and look away. You're too embarrassed from how cute he looks and how genuinely he loves you.

Tanjiro beamed with pride, practically shining brighter than the sun. He had made his love blush and give him such a cute expression.

"So cute~!" He smiles. You hide your face behind your hands.

"(y/n), I can't lose you," He began. "I want you to stay here and rest. Get your strength back up so that we can go to that spring you love so much. We'll have a picnic-!"

"Tanjiro, are you asking me out on an outing?" You teased a bit. His face erupts in a blush at your half lidded eyes and teasing smile.

"W-well...I want to show you how much I love you..."

"We can't do that if we're both injured." You challenged him. "So you need to come back in one piece."

"Will...will you...let" He stuttered. You leaned a bit closer to him causing him to blush. "WillyouletmekissyouwhenIgetback?"

You felt a smile bubble up onto your face at his innocent question.

"Yes! So please come back safe!"

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