Drunken Embarrassment

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Thank you so much from this request BlackKnightRadiant

I really liked writing this one and I hope y'all enjoy reading it!

Tanjiro x Drunk!Reader


As a pillar, you have to be vigilant and always on your guard. You have to be prepared for any mission that may spring itself on your at any moment.

It was a tiring job really.

The only time you really got to rest was when you were injured and had to recover. Those were the times when you could finally get a full nights sleep or you could casually drink with other patients who needed something to numb the pain.

This was one of those times.

You had broken your arm and a few ribs in your last battle with a demon. Shinobu checked on your injuries everyday and made sure you were getting plenty of rest. But she was more lenient than your real nurse.

"Cheers!" You giggled as you clinked your sake glass with a fellow patient. You downed the shot of alcohol, loving the burn that took away the pain from your wounds. You were pretty drunk at this point, giggling at anything and everything.

"(Y/n)!" A voice snapped, silencing everyone's merrimaking.

You turned your drunken gaze to a very upset Tanjiro. He was glaring at you with disappointment written all over his pouting face.

'He's so cute...' You thought.

"You're supposed to be resting!" He scolded as he marched over to you.

"And you're supposed to be more fun." You scoffed. "My injuries are healing juuuuuuuuuusssssst fine, Banjiro..." Your body was swaying.

"It's Tanjiro and you know that."

"Yeah yeah, Tankiro, Shinjiro, it's all the same." You hiccuped.

He was steaming at this point. So he decided to be the adult that you clearly weren't being at this point. He picked you up bridal style and started marching over to your sick bed.

"Whoa, not so fast, sir!" You giggled. "Buy a lady a drink first!" He blushed bright red at what you were insinuating. "You're soooooooooooooooooo cute!" You gushed, taking his face in your one good hand and bringing it down to yours in a sloppy drunk kiss. The poor boy's face burned hotter than the sun at your action. You released him, giggling a lot before passing out.

He just stared at you in amazement. Wondering how the hell you got that drunk. But he was still not able to think straight after the kiss you two shared. Did you mean it? Did you like him back? Or were you just acting on drunk impulses...

He shook his head for a second before putting you to bed.

He figured he would ask you tomorrow. That is, if you actually remembered.


You woke up the next day with a horrible headache. The morning sun making your brain pulse with pain.

"Shit..." You cursed as you shielded your eyes from the wretched sun.

"You're awake I see." A voice giggled. You groaned at the noise before turning to see Shinobu smiling at you. "You had quite the night I heard." You gave her a confused look which caused her to giggle more. "I take it that you don't remember." You gently shake your head, hating the movement but not feeling able to speak.

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!" A voice exclaimed suddenly.

"Ow..." You winced in pain. The voice seemed to be coming from outside.

"Shhhhh! Zenitsu, we need to be quiet!" Another voice attempted to whisper.

"HOW CAN I BE QUIET WHEN YOU'RE TELLING ME THAT (Y/N)-CHAN KISSED YOU?!" The yellow kid yelled at his friend.

Your whole body froze at the words.

You kissed Tanjiro? When? What?! How did this happen?!

Suddenly last night came back to you in a rush causing your face to turn a deep red.

"I see you remember now." Shinobu teased.



For the next two weeks you avoided Tanjiro. When he would come to check on you in the infirmary you would pretend to be asleep. When he asked to spar with you when you finally got back into training, you pretended to have a stomach ache so he would rush to get Shinobu. Once he was gone, you would run and hide in a nearby room.

Your close friend, Kanroji, saw what you were doing and decided to step in.

She knew you liked Tanjiro and she couldn't stand to see you avoiding him over something like this. The boy was obviously happy that you kissed him, but he just wanted you to tell him that you liked him. He didn't want to push you on the subject because he respected your privacy, but he was just a young boy with a crush. He needed answers.

And Kanroji was going to help him.

Because why wouldn't she? She loves love!

"Mitsuri! Put me down!" You were fighting against her intense strength as she carried you over her shoulder.

"I'm sorry (y/n), but this has to stop." She just smiled at you, but you knew she had had enough of your bullshit. "Now you're going to go talk to him and tell him how you feel."

"Kanroji-san!" A voice gasped.

You both turned your heads to see Tanjiro freaking out.

"Her ribs are still healing, you shouldn't be carrying her like that." He panicked, trying to get your friend to release you.

"Oh right! She did break those didn't she." She laughed before putting you down. You moved to escape from the situation, but she firmly gripped you in a headlock. "Say it." She said with a smile on her face.

She seems like all cute and sparkles, but she is a headstrong and powerful woman.

"I-I...I really like you Tanjiro!" You choked out.

Tanjiro blushed bright red as your friend released you. You gasped for breath for a moment before looking up at the young demon slayer.

"Really...?" He asked, face red as a rose. He had a goofy smile on his face as he avoided looking you in the eye. He was very happy. "I like you too...a lot!"

"Finally!" Kanroji cheered. "Now kiss!"


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