Chapter 22: The Return of Frank McCann

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Kit and Jude decided to stay home for the day as they were making plans for the weekend when the doorbell went off.

"I wonder who that could be?" Kit asked

"I did not think we were expecting company today." Jude said as they walked to the door.

They opened the door to see a man standing there in a hat and Jude noticed it was Frank.

"Oh my goodness, Jude." Frank said as Jude hugged him.

"Oh my gosh Frank, get in here." Jude said as he looked around.

"I went by your old house to see another couple living there and I talked to a very lovely person at the post office about where you live now." Frank said as they sat down.

"Well, we moved in here before we got married and now we're expecting two babies." Kit said as he handed Jude a glass of ice water and him an iced tea.

"Thank you darling, but we're so happy you're here Frank, I heard you no longer work at Briarcliff and what a relief that is to hear." Jude said to Kit as he sat behind her.

"Yes and now I work at the bank on Salon Avenue." Frank said

"Jude works two blocks over from there." Kit said

"I know, I seen Pepper one day with a red headed lady and two brunette ladies." Frank said as Jude smiled.

"That's Vivien, Violet and Jane." Kit said

"And some man giving me a go to hell old man, look." Frank said as Kit and Jude laughed.

"Oh, that's Roy. He gives me that look all the time." Kit said as she chuckled.

"Well, Pepper gave me a hug and we talked for over an hour and he stared at me the whole time like I was some creep." Frank said as Kit rubbed her bump.

"Oh yeah, he tells Kit to go to hell and gives him the strangest looks, but he's with Jane." Jude said as Frank looked at her pregnant belly.

"So, how far along are you?" Frank asked them.

"I'm now three months pregnant and I have a feeling I know the genders of our children." Jude said as Kit smiled.

"Well, I'm happy that you two got together, got married and now are expecting two beautiful babies." Frank said

"Well, I'm just happy you're here." Jude said

"Well, could you stay for dinner?" Kit asked him.

"Sure." Frank said

"Great! Jude said happily.

Jude felt something as Frank hugged her earlier.

"Something is odd Jude?" Mary Eunice appeared.

"You tell me." Jude said as she walked into the kitchen as she took a drink of her water.

"Well, it's probably because you two slept together before your confinement." Mary Eunice said as Jude spit out her water.

"Oh my God Jude! Are you okay?" Frank asked her.

"Oh dear, yes Frank. I'm fine, the babies kicked and I could not keep my water down." Jude lied as she turned back to Mary Eunice as Kit took Frank outside to show him the yard.

"I slept with Frank?" Jude asked Mary Eunice.

"Yes, but it's in your past now." Mary Eunice said

"Oh my goodness! What if Kit finds out?" Jude asked

"Didn't you already tell him this before you got married?" Mary Eunice asked her.

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