Will Solace - Auditions

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This is a little High School AU! You and Will are friends, he wants you to audition for the musical. Lets see what unfolds.

"(Y/n)!" I hear my name called from behind me, quickly I turned around to face the sound. Which gave me a clear view of Will Solace sprinting towards me.
"Yes Will?" I say, awaiting whisper answer.
"Okay." He catches his breath as he slows his pace beside me. "Auditions. For the musical. Please. It will be fun!"
"Yeah... no." I answer quickly.
"But why? We used to do community theater together when we were younger."
"Yeah.  That was when we were younger, I just don't do that stuff anymore." I state awkwardly.
"Please." He looked at me with big eyes.  Knowing full well that I can't say no to that, also knowing that I would beat him up later for doing that.
I tired to avert my gaze, but he followed.  Soon enough I groaned out a simple "fine" and he danced about like a child.
"Yes!  You won't regret this!" He grabbed my hand and began dragging me towards the auditorium.
"Now?" I ask surprised, "I would have thought you would give me a few days."
"Yes and no!  If I had given you a few days, you would have found some way to say no.  This was my best shot!"
I sighed, knowing that he knew me all too well, and him outsmarting me just came with being his friend.
"Will." I dug my heels into the ground, successfully stopping him from dragging me.  "Will!" I say again as he still attempts to pull me.  "Stop!" I shout.
"Please." He says.
"Why is this so important to you?" I ask, crossing my arms once he releases my hand.
"Well," he rubs the back of his neck, "there's one character I know you would be perfect for." He states.
"She is the only one they haven't cast yet, everyone already auditioned and the director is weird.  He only puts people in who he feels...  well, give off the right vibe.  And I believe that you could get it."
"Why me?" I ask and he sighs.
"Just trust me."
"Do you already have a part?"
"I'll tell you after you get the part." He simply says.
"Okay.  Fine." I say finally, trusting him to guide me in the best direction.
"Thank you."
*Time Skip To After The Auditions*
"I can't believe I got it." I say in disbelief, I had just been cast as the lead, something he decided to leave out of his rant from earlier.
"I knew you would." He threw his arm over my shoulder as we walked to the local ice cream place.
"So, what's your part?" I ask.
"Well..." he rubs the back of his neck.  "Your love interest." He finally says after a long pause.
"I knew you wouldn't like the idea of liking me, even if it's fake.  That's why I didn't tell you until after."
"I messed it up didn't I?  You don't want to do the show anymore and I've ruined our friendship."
"Will." I try again.
"You don't want to be friends because I lamely tried to tell you I like you by doing what I did and I'm sorry." He rambles on and on.
"Will!" I practically shout, grabbing both his shoulders.  But he keeps going, not shutting his mouth.  And in the spur of the moment I kiss him.  Quickly pressing my lips to his.  In his shock me doesn't do anything, but when I go to pull away he grabs the back of my neck and kisses me for a moment longer.
"You really need to shut up sometimes." I whisper.
"But look where talking got me." He remarks.
"Very funny." I snip.
"Kiss me again?" He asks.
And at that point I reconnect our lips, we just stayed there for a while.  Standing there, lip locked.  Until the grounds keeper ran up to us, and told up to get office property and that we've 'overstayed our welcome'.  Which was good because we finally fulfilled our plans of getting ice cream.  Also making the perfect opportunity for our first date.
This was the start of a wonderful relationship that spilled over onto the stage.
And we lived happily ever after.

Thanks for reading! Wrote this on a nice morning before heading out to my rehearsal for our musical. Then finished it later on. I wanted to write this just cause I'm all pumped for my musical and nervous all the same. Got a pretty big supporting part! So instead of one line like last year. Lol. I have two and a half songs. Anyway, if anyone does theater and wants to share their audition stories. Fine by me. For instance, during audition this year, there was a Christmas tree. So I kept stealing people's things (they were watching) and putting them under the tree. Lol. Enough of me blabbering.
Lots of Love!!!
-Sapphire <3

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