Leo Valdez - Train Rides and 'I Love You's

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Ah.  The beginning of summer vacation.  A time that most people count the days down until it next begins, from the moment it last ended.  A time for fun and excitement to embark, and for half-bloods, well, it's time for camp.
This past school year, Leo Valdez, Jason Grace, Piper McLean, and I all decided to enroll in the same New York public school.  Just for the experience.  We were able to rent out a house for the school year for a fairly small amount of money and without questions about our ages.  All thanks to Piper's charm speak really.
Now, the four of us are about to get on the train that will take us to the town that's a few, like 10 miles, outside of the camp boarders.
The four of us are currently waiting for the train to pull up in the station and take us where we want to go.
"Hey (Y/n)?" Leo says, turning to me.
"Yeah McShizzle?" I respond.
"The lovebirds aren't paying any attention to me." He whines, "you need to pay attention to me."
"Aw." I reach up and ruffle his hair, "sure buddy."
He pouts, acting more and more like a child.
"Leo, seriously.  The more you act like a child, the more I'm going to treat you like one."
"Yeah, whatever." He rolls his eyes, a smirk playing at his lips.
"Moody teenager alert.  They grow up so fast." I laugh.
Leo would have said more, but just then the train rolled up in all its steel glory.
"All aboard." Jason says, guiding Piper with a hand on the small other back.
I turn to Leo and make a small gagging gesture, causing him to chuckle.
When we got on the train, after stalling and goofing around a bit longer.  It didn't take us long to realize all the seats were gone except for one that was beside Piper and Jason.  They looked sorry when we approached but we knew they could have done anything.
"It's fine," I reassure, "we snooze we lose."
"Right, and that's why (Y/n) will take the seat." Leo says and I look at him like he has two heads.
"Yeah, no.  You're sitting.  I can stand." I say and practically push him down into the seat.
"But—" he stats and I cut him off.
"No if, and's, or but's." I say and he grumbles.
The train starts forward and I grab ahold of the bar that resides on the ceiling.
The ride was fine for the first half an hour.  Leo continued to insist that he should stand, I still said no.  Him and I had some nice conversations, and Jason fell asleep with Piper's head on his shoulder.
Another fifteen minutes passed and that's when all things started going to shisht.
The train jerked to a stop, it was sudden and with no warning.  Giving me absolutely no time to brace myself or hold on better.
This event left me falling in an unknown direction, seeing as I closed my eyes.
I braced for an impact that never came, sort of.  Instead, my backside fell into something...  no, someone.  And that someone was Leo Valdez.
I flushed red, very, very red.  Did I mention my crush on my best friend, and the bad boy supreme that is Valdez.  The boy that I'm currently sitting in the lap of.
"Told you I should have stood." Was all he said as we made eye contact.  Strangely enough, we never really broke eye contact either.
"Well if it was the other way around I would the one under you.  And that would most likely kill me."
He placed a hand dramatically in his chest, "wow, I'm offended."
"I only speak the truth." I say, my voice growing quieter the longer we look into each others eyes.  My blush spreading more across my face.
"Really?" He says, seemingly leading to something.
"Yeah, I don't...  lie...  especially to you." With each breath we took, he moved a bit closer.
"How about we put that to the test." He mumbles, our faces inches apart and our breaths dancing in the little space between us.
"Sure." That was all I could force out, a whisper of an answer, before he pressed his lips to mine.
It was gentle, soft.  Unlike his hot and flirtatious personality.
When he pulled away, it was only for air.
"You know, that wasn't too bad.  I wouldn't mind doing it again." I whispered breathlessly.
"And you do always speak the truth." He says.
"You want to know another true thing." I start.
"I love you.  I have for such a long time it's funny.  I've just never had the guts to tell you."
"Do you want to know something too?"
"Yeah." I say quietly.
"I love you too.  And I'm glad you told me.  I fell the same way, I have for a long time."
"Can we just stay like this, I don't want either of us standing."  I laugh.
"I agree." He muttered and wraps his arms around my waist and nuzzles his head into the crook of my neck.
For the rest of the train ride it was peaceful, it was warm in Leo's arms and he continuously whispered 'I love you' into my hair.  I think that now that he's said it, he doesn't want to stop,
When Jason woke up, Piper was still asleep so we got a whispered 'about time' from him.
Let's just say this Little train ride was the start of a really amazing summer, and a magical relationship.
Extended Ending
"Okay Mr. D" Chiron said from the big house as Leo and (Y/n) walked around, making it known to friends that they were officially 'more than friends'.  "You owe me five drachmas."
Mr. D grudgingly handed over the golden coins with a sigh.  "You win."
"I always do, Mr. D, I always do."

Thank you guys so much for reading!!!  I'm sorry for the long bit of no updates, but I, trying when I have inspiration and when I have time.  And I know that the amount of readers is small, but I still do this because I love it.  So, please be patient and don't give up because there is always more to come!
Lots of love!
-Sapphire <3

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