Nico Di'Angelo - I Am Not Your Friend

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Two Years.  That is how long I've been 'friends' with Nico Di'Angelo, well, trying to be friends with him at least.  I talk to him whenever I'm near him, I'm always trying to be nice to him, I don't know why it's so hard to get through to him.

Most people would think that we're best friends, just by looking at us.  But, I know the truth.  I'm pretty sure he hates me, I just wish I could change that.

Today's another normal day, waking up at the (g/p) cabin with the rest of my brothers and sisters.  Getting ready then making my way to the pavilion for breakfast, but one thing was off.  I didn't see Nico at all.  Normally we would cross paths at some point after I leave my cabin in the morning, and if not I would see him at breakfast.  But he wasn't there either.  I shrugged it off to the fact that maybe he was just busy, or slept in; expecting to see him later in the arena for sword fighting practice.

He wasn't there either.  I was really worried at this point, so, I decided to take it upon myself to look for him.  Well, at least look in the one place where he would be; his cabin.  Nobody had seen him leave it today.

After practice I quietly excuse myself and make my way over to the quiet Hades cabin, which resides with the minor god and goddess' cabins.  I stand in front of the door for a few seconds before finally taking in a deep breath and knocking.

It was silent for a few seconds, no noise came from inside; then suddenly the door swung open and I was pulled inside.  Hearing the door click shut behind me.  And there, in front of me, stood Nico Di'Angelo in all his glory with his arms crossed over his chest and a scowl on his face.

"What do you want (Y/n)?" he grumbles.

"I wanted to check on you," I say, somewhat unsure of what to do.  He seems like he's really upset.

"Why?  Can't you see that I obviously want to be alone." his scowl somehow got darker along with his eyes.

"Well...  I...  Well we're friends.  I'm going to check on my friends." I say, somewhat hesitant of my answer.  Not wanting to upset him any further.

"You know what," he growled, running a hand through his dark hair, "I am not your friend!"


"And you are not my friend, we will never be friends.  All you've been for the last two years is be a pain in my side.  You try to be something your not!  Stop lying to yourself and everyone else when you say that you and I are friends!" he huffs, continuing to raise his voice.

It took all of my power to not break down in front of him, all I ever did was try, try to be his friend, try to be kind.  And I failed.

"I see." I mumble, looking at the ground.  I didn't want to but I glanced back up at him one last time before I made my way out the door.  He hadn't moved and didn't have a single look of remorse on his face.  His eyes cold as ever.

"I guess I won't be bothering you anymore, sorry for trying to...  I don't know." I say in a whisper, at that point my voice cracked so I turned away, I heard slight shuffling as I walked outside and let the door close behind me.  I didn't let any tears fall until I had reached Zeus' fist in the middle of the woods.

That's when I broke.

Tears began to fall, silently, as I blocked the whole world out.

All I ever tried to do was be a friend to him, I talked to him and interacted with him, tried to get the point across that I would be there for him, he didn't even have to do the same for me.  Just as long as I could do it for him.  Especially after the promise my sister made to Bianca before she passed.  She promised Nico's sister that she'd watch over him while she was away.  Then she never came home.  Nico never became close with my sister, but she did watch over him while he was here.  Then the battle of camp half-blood rolled around, my sister was killed, but not until after she made me promise to take care of Nico, just like Bianca had asked her.

"I tried sister, I really tried.  I'm sorry, I didn't mean t fail," I sobbed into my hands, "I wish you were still here..."

In the midst of my cries, I heard a twig snap.  Quickly I wiped my eyes and reached for my (weapon); ready for whatever may be out here.

Except for one thing, my (weapon) wasn't with me.

I whipped my head around, looking for whatever may be out there.  And in a split second something jumped at me, I shut my eyes preparing for death.  But it never came.  I opened my eyes to see a pile of golden dust and Nico holding his Stygian Iron sword, panting slightly.

"Th-thank you," I whisper, looking back at the ground.  It was quiet for a second before I felt someone beside me, Nico then wrapped his arm over my shoulders.

We sat in silence for a little while until he began to speak.

"I'm sorry for being so...  mean." he muttered.

"It's...  Okay, I guess."

"No, no it's not," he responded, "all you've ever been is nice to me, and I had no reason to snap at you like that."

"It's fine, I was practically forcing my friendship on you.  You don't need me and you never will.  It's fine."

"It's not fine.  I want to be your friend, I really do."


"Yeah, I mean, yes.  I want to be your friend; no, I am your friend." he said with a small smile.

"Thank you," I chuckled wiping my eyes.

He gave me a side hug, pulling me a little closer than before.  Maybe I didn't fail.  I was going to make my sister and Bianca proud.


Thanks for reading, I know this imagine was a bit sad and didn't even end with romance; but I may make this a series of sorts.  I may make another installment, but I'm not sure at the moment.  This Imagine was really long, but I somewhat like the way it turned out.

I hope you guys liked it and I can't wait to write more!

Hope you all are happy and healthy, or at least trying to be.

Lots of Love,

- Sapphire <3

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