when you looking for stuff to get in to and find your old jam

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So I was minding my own business trying to find things to get in to and well I found my old jam as a kid and then I realized there's stuff on Tumblr so I looked at that and now I'm going to talk about it mind you it's been 2 or 3 years since I rewatched it so this is from my memory of it

This show well it was awesome it was about some kids being able to turn in to dinosaurs and me being the dinosaur loveing kid loved it and watched every episode now looking back it had a awesome premise and it sucks there's no reboot of it ( I would pay someone to do a reboot of it like on Netflix or Hulu ) the fandom if you can even call it that exists and the fans that are there love it to death yeah it hits it's flaws every show does but it's apart of some peoples childhoods including mine oh also I'm like 99.9 % sure it started the idea of raps so I have it to thank for that

This has been ideas with me

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