learning instincts

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In the middle of the forest green there were two beings ' that did not seem to belong there for smaller of the two groaned and hissed at the other . " Ughhhh Raps we've been at this for hours where are we we're like in the middle of nowhere and my paws hurt why can't we just use our powers ? " The taller of the two turned to her sighed ' looking at the purple cat wolf with piercing blue eyes . she scaked her head and answered " because Cats you need to learn to use our more animaly parts for directions it helps with all kinds of things . You never know when your going to need it " she smiled a soft smile and added " try again for me ? " Cats huffed but nodded and closed her eyes listening carefully for what Raps said was a soft tug from her mind .

like a direction most likely to get her out but without no evidence  she then felt a need to go to her right and keep going . " Ok this way let's hope i got it right this time " said as she started to walk in the direction her instincts told her to go in . The raptor smiled humed to her and followed suit .

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