Chapter 4 - Toss a Coin

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The sun was just starting to appear behind the mountains when Geralt was kicked out, once again, from the cabin he rented. The White Wolf had spent all of his money trying to cure Roach after the poor horse got badly injured by an infestation of Drowners and 3 Water Hags, ending up running out of money, being left with roach and 3 breads to survive. 

Contracts were getting harder to find and the prices were going lower, even though he had become sort of famous and his fame of being a good guy finally kicked in, after the bard sang his song to every single citizen he could. That did make things easier, he would get more contracts then the other witchers and have a bit more of respect, since everyone hated and were deeply afraid of witchers, but still, it was hard as always. Although Dandelion was no where to be found, his songs were definitely everywhere to be heard, the bard was last seen drunk with some woman in Novigrad. 

As if the Gods wanted to laugh harder at Geralt's disgrace, after just being left again by Yen, a heavy rain started to fall from the cloudy sky, turning it into a shade of dark grey mixed with the soft grey of the gigantic amount of clouds moving slowly above the White Wolf's head. 

Geralt cursed with every possible word he knew, as the water hit his clothes, making every piece of his body wet. He passed his hands on his hair, trying to take it away from his face, but the rain would't quit and the hair kept making it's way to the front of the yellow cat eyes. Geralt took a deep breath, accepting mother's nature will and followed his way.

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