Part five: Ocean of diamonds

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Cole's POV

Tink. Tink. Tink. Tink.

Tink. Tink. Tink. Tink.

Tink. Tink. Tink. Tink.

The pitter-pattering of the rain on the monastery was really starting to get to me. The repetitive clinking of each individual drop of water was killing me. And all I could think about were those blasted diamond eyes.

I lay sprawled out on my back in the small room I had, staring up at the blank white ceiling. I turned my head, running a finger between the grooves of the wood wall beside me. After a while of just laying there and thinking, I sat up. 'This is pointless.' I thought, walking over to the desk at the corner of the room. Sliding into the seat, I grabbed a piece of battered parchment and a brush and ink. Unscrewing the lid of the ink, I got to work.

Illustrating a small scene.
A scene of a boy with long cloaked robes standing in the forest, a sheet of pure ice below his feet. Clutching two silver shurikens.

After what was probably an hour or two, I sat back, hand throbbing and covered in splotches of both dried and wet ink. But it was finished. Walking to the bathroom to rid my hands of any ink residue, I rolled up the piece of paper and fetched a small band to bound the paper in a cylinder shape.

'I have to get this to him somehow.'
Grabbing a coat from a small rack in the dining room, I slid one of the doors open of the monastery, running across the slick ground to the main gates. Pushing one open, I stare at the dizzying flight of stairs. Tucking the roll into the inside of the coat, I let the door swing shut and started down.

By the time I reached the bottom, the rain had gotten even stronger and a fog had built up. 'Maybe this wasn't a good idea..' Starting to doubt myself, I looked around. I was decently well protected with the coat and gi but still shivering. Shaking my head, I dashed off into the trees, ridding myself of any second thoughts about the plan.

I soon slowed to a walk, quiet. It was quite dark out and despite the thick canopy, rain still managed to slip between the smallest gaps and splatter to the ground. The forest was huge, it could take hours to find one small figure in the entire forested area. I couldn't give up, I just couldn't.

But three hours of trudging through a soaking wet, cold, dark forest can get to you.

I slunk down beside a thick pine, at least a bit grateful for the slight shelter from the rain. Staring up at the criss-crossing branches above my head, I sighed. 'What was I thinking come out here alone. Kai's fire would be nice right now. And Jay's humor.' Groaning, I ran a hand through my now soaked hair. I was getting nowhere.

Pulling the coat's sleeves over my hands and the hood back up over my head after it had drifted off sitting down. Closing my eyes and hugging myself to keep myself from freezing to death, I managed to slowly drift off, sleep enveloping me.

Zane's POV

I was trekking through the chilly forest, which, I didn't mind all that much. I had lost a shuriken earlier and only just now recently realized it. Hands stuffed in the soft pockets of the robes I wore, I scanned the forest as I walked.

It was a quiet night. The sun had set a long time ago, so it was dark, but the rain had finally eased to a light sprinkle. I was ducking under a tree when my foot caught something and I tripped forward, slamming hard onto the wet ground. Groaning and turning around, now sitting on the ground, I noticed what, or who, I tripped over.

He was asleep, somehow sleeping through me rudely falling over him. 'He looks so peaceful' I thought, staring at him through the shady night, just sitting there. I seemed to forget about what I was doing, choosing to sit here instead.

Cole's POV
[sorry for switching so fast]

I slowly blinked my eyes open. The first thing I noticed was it was still dark out. Second thing, my legs hurt like they had been hit. And third, the rain had eased.

"What the hell!!" I gasped, scrambling back away from him. 'Why does he always find me?! Not fair!' I protested in my head. My chest now rising and falling quickly and my heart pounding, I stare at him. He was sitting in the spongey wet soil, staring at me with icy blue, dimly glowing eyes. Slowly moving, he approached me, crawling across the ground under the drooping tree.

I couldn't move, it was like my limbs were frozen in place. I couldn't blink, I couldn't tear my gaze from his face. He moved until his ice cold breath fanned across my cheeks, stinging my eyes like frostbite. Those beautiful frozen ocean eyes stare directly at mine.

Raising one of his hands, he placed it against my cheek. It was as cold as his breath and made me flinch slightly and gasp, not expecting the freeze. Then the cold spread to my face. Breathtaking. Refreshing lips against mine.

I slowly relaxed, the frozen feeling seemingly melting from my joints. The icy kiss seemed to last for hours. It only ended when I slowly moved back, just slightly. It seemed like the boy didn't have to breathe, he could live forever without a care in the world for oxygen.

"What.. what was that?" I asked, my voice hardly over a whisper, barely audible over the gentle sounds of the nighttime forest. Those eyes met mine again. His expression didn't reveal anything, mystical and curious. Eager. Suspicious. I could get lost in them, if I hadn't already.

"I said I wanted to know more about you." The boy spoke. His voice was just as soft yet sharp as before. Like a broken glass shard and a barn owl's flight. His eyes traveled up, to above my head. Raising his hand from his cheek and the other from his lap, he busied then with my hair. Running delicate cold fingers through it and fixing it. When he lowered them, he stare at me again. I couldn't handle it.

I jolted forward, kissing him again. I wrapped my hands around his waist. Before I closed my eyes, I could see a light soft pastel blue color rise to his cheeks. Strange. Though he complied and kissed back.

It slowly ended, peaceful as before. I smiled and slowly opened my eyes. His eyes were still closed, the color still tainting his cheeks.
"What's your name?" I asked. He slowly opened his eyes, looking at me. Just as he did, the sun peeked just over the horizon, igniting his face in bright orange light. Those frozen eyes seemed to melt into a swirling, beautiful ocean of diamonds.

"It's polite to state your own name before asking for another." I could tell he was trying to prevent it but he smiled. Even though he was naturally a bit taller than me, from the way he was sitting with his legs to the side and slightly bent over, I looked down just a bit to him.

"Oh! Right, it's Cole." I smiled, stumbling just a bit over words. When he didn't reply, I asked again. "So, what's yours..?"

"It's Zane." He replied, polite with a small nod of his head.

"So.. Zane.." I paused, taking in a deep breath of cool air. "Will you come back with me to the Monastery?" I asked, moving my hand slightly to feel the slight bump the carefully painted image in my coat made.

[1313 words]

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