How Breanna Met Ben

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Breanna POV

"Okay, pick either volleyball, frisbee or football, but you have to stay with that sport for the whole period," Mrs.Binder said.

I raced over to the volleyball court with my best friend, Chelsey.

"Ugh, there are too many girls on this side," I said, joining the boys' team.

Chelsey joined me and went over to their side. I saw a boy with black hair. Me, Chelsey and the boy were pretty good at volleyball, considering only one of us played volleyball.

"We need a team name," I said.

"Oh! How about "Rice Burritos", because, you know, we are asian and she's hispanic," the boy said.

"Your name is Ben right?" I asked.

"Yep. You're in my math class."

"Well, from now in, I will call your rice burrito."

We barely got the ball over the net because some of the other boys were not as experienced. The other team consisted of girls who play volleyball. I should have joined that team. Ever since then, we called all of our friends food names, and we would yell RICE BURRITO down the hallways.


This is how I met Ben. I know this is short but don't worry! We will still update this book with weird, and embarassing stories.

- Breanna

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