That evening, Hoseok sat on the side of the bed at the hospital while a doctor took some blood to find out why he'd fainted. Hoseok looked fine. His legs were dangling from the side of the bed and he was chatting with Jimin, who'd been by his side ever since they left the venue.
"I'm sure the fans will love it if you wear that shirt, Jiminie. It looks really good on you!" Hoseok said with a grin.
"I'm not sure, hyung...I mean, I like it, but it's not really a shirt you'd perform in, you know?" Jimin sighed.
"The colours fit those of our outfits, so there's nothing to worry about." Hoseok said reassuringly.
"Thanks, Hoseokie-hyung." Jimin said with a closed-eyed smile. "You always know how to encourage us."
"It's my job!" Hoseok grinned. "I will watch over my friends forever!"
He was about to strike a pose, but the doctor cleared his throat and told Hoseok to sit still. Hoseok chuckled and apologized, but he winked at Jimin.
"Alright." the doctor said, cleaning the small prick-wound on the arm he'd taken the blood from. "All done. We will check this and you'll hear the results in about three days. Whose number can I write down to call?"
"It's best if you write down the number of our manager." Hoseok said, to which Jimin nodded in agreement.
Hoseok gave the doctor the number of their manager, Sejin, and then he was dismissed. He and Jimin went with the bodyguard and manager Sejin, who'd both come along to the hospital. They went to the car and the bodyguard drove them home.
As soon as they got home, Hoseok started to feel a little dizzy. He shrugged it off, though, because something like that was common after having some blood taken for testing. So, naturally, he didn't whine about it and just acted like nothing was wrong. Because nothing was wrong, was it?
"Hyungs! You're back!" Jungkook grinned when the two of them entered their house. "There's some kimchi in the fridge if you're hungry. Too bad Jin-hyung ate all the bulgogi, otherwise you could've had some of that too."
"Ahh, it's fine." Hoseok said, waving it off. "I'm not that hungry. I had some food after waking up."
Jungkook grimaced at that, not really liking the memory of his friend being passed out on the couch. It hadn't been the same as a sleeping Hoseok. Sleeping Hoseok looked peaceful, but this afternoon he'd looked sick and in pain.
"A-Alright." Jungkook said. "Ehm...we're watching a horror movie tonight. I don't suppose you'll join us, will you?"
Hoseok laughed and dramatically shivered. "Oh, no! I wouldn't be able to handle that!"
Jungkook chuckled.
"Nah, I'll just head to bed. Tell the others I'm washing up and heading to bed, okay? Tell them I'm fine, too." Hoseok added.
"Will do." Jungkook nodded. He and Jimin left to the living room, while Hoseok headed to the bathroom.
Hoseok was still feeling dizzy, so he figured he needed some fruit or something with sugar in it. He told himself to get some after washing up, though his stomach - which was still causing a nauseous feeling - wasn't too happy with that idea. Just the thought of eating made Hoseok feel sick to his stomach. A nasty but familiar feeling burned in his throat and Hoseok knew exactly what it was, so he ran over to the toilet and emptied his stomach.
"Ugh..." he coughed, tears pricking in his eyes, "I hate this..."
But his stomach wasn't done with him, because again, he threw up.
Yoongi, whose room was across the bathroom Hoseok had gone to, stirred in his sleep. He'd gone straight to bed after they had arrived at their house, too tired to even get changed. Luckily he'd changed out of his performance clothes at the venue.
When he heard the recognizable sound of Hoseok throwing up, he shot up in his bed, rubbing his eyes for a second before pushing the covers off of him.
"Hobi?" he mumbled to himself when he realized it was Hoseok.
He went out of his room and to the bathroom to see the door was wide open and Hoseok was kneeling in front of the toilet. The boy looked up with tears in his eyes when he noticed Yoongi was there.
"Hi, hyung." he said, his voice hoarse.
"Are you sick?" Yoongi asked. "What did the doctor say? Why are you throwing up?"
Hoseok chuckled weakly. Throwing up took a lot of energy. "He just took some blood. No results yet. I'm feeing a little nauseous is all."
For a third time, he felt bile rise up his throat, so he turned back to the toilet and threw up - hopefully - for the last time. Yoongi was there to comfort him, though he didn't do much more than pat the dancer's back.
"Keep breathing, Hoseokie." he said softly as soon as Hoseok was done. "Is there anything I can do?"
Hoseok nodded. "Please get me a glass of water."
As Yoongi went to grab him some water, Hoseok got up from the ground and flushed the toilet. He cleaned his mouth and sighed when he realized he felt even dizzier now.
When Yoongi handed him the glass of water and asked him if he was okay, however, he smiled at his hyung and nodded.
"Yeah, don't worry too much about me. I'm great!"

Faint || BTS J-Hope Fanfiction ✓
FanfictionFaint /feɪnt/ adjective 1. (of a sight, smell, or sound) barely perceptible. 2. feeling weak and dizzy and close to losing consciousness. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hoseok keeps fainting. Is it due to exhaustion, or is there something else going on? ~~~~~~~~~~~~...