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Ah yes, the exact same dream once again, but it felt different this time. Its as if Changbin could actually feel the sand in his hands and the wind blowing against his skin. His dream crush seems clearer, like he had somehow put his glasses on, even though he was always wearing them. It was so real, but just like clock work it got cut off by the sound of his annoying alarm.

He repeated yesterday by slamming his phone to return the room to its silence. He slipped out of his sheets and got dressed before washing his face then putting the daily blush on his cheeks. He set his backpack on the kitchen table as he finally got to eat cereal he missed yesterday.

After finishing he put his empty bowl next to the untouched one beside the sink and headed to the door to put his shoes on. He headed for the bus with his backpack on one shoulder, the same song from yesterday blasting in his ears.

Changbin was quite early to the bus stop so he just turned down the volume to his song and waited until it arrived. After a While the bus finally showed up and Changbin boarded, taking his AirPods off and storing them in his pocket.

"Binnie! Sit with me!" A familiar voice called from the back of the bus. It was obviously Changbin's bus mate, Jeongin. Changbin made his way to the back and took his seat beside Jeongin.

The ride there was filled with their talking once again. They brung up what happened the day before and yelled out inside jokes from the group chat. They somehow got to the topic of dreams they get and Jeongin was in the middle of explaining the weirdest thing Changbin has ever heard

"And then the butterflies attacked the mansion"

Changbin was quite speechless, he just sat there with his mouth open.

"Pretty weird huh? Let's hear your dream stories" Jeongin requested

"Well I get the same dream every night." Changbin started, "I'm sitting on the sand at the beach and I turn to look beside me and there's this beautiful guy sitting there."

Changbin went on and on about how amazing this fictional person from his dreams was. soft black hair, beautiful full lips, a sharp jawline and a little dot under his right eye.

The ride was finally over and the two boys rushed off the bus and ran into the school to meet their friends. They opened the door and took a few steps in before hearing Jisung yell to get their attention. Changbin and Jeongin started walking towards them before Changbin gets stopped by an orange haired boy running up to him, yelling his name with his arms open ready for a hug. The boy jumped up to Changbin giving him a hug, but he was so caught off guard by the extra weight they both fell to the ground.

"I'm so sorry mate!" the boy apologized with an accent while handing Changbin his glasses which fell off during the crash.

"Oh it's oka- Felix!!" Changbin interrupted himself when he realized who it was when he put his glasses on. He recognized him by the few pictures they sent to the group chat.

"Nice to finally meet you, Felix" Changbin laughed along with the others who were dying of laughter at the situation. A tall blonde boy helped helped them back up before grabbing Sungmin's glasses, which he dropped while laughing so hard.

"Chan!" Changbin called out hugging him, not as intense as Felix though.

After they all finally calmed down Jeongin pointed out that they only had 3 minutes until class started. They said their goodbyes and headed to their classes. Changbin walked with Seungmin since they shared first period together.

They were on their way to class when Changbin started to get a weird feeling. He felt like he had been in this situation before, like déjà vu. The closer they got to the class the more the feeling grew but he pushed it off as First day nerves. The entered the classroom and Changbin stopped dead in his tracks, locking eyes with a guy in the front row.

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