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The sun was setting with a golden glow, leaving highlights on the beach sand. The only noises were the soft crashing of the waves and the two boys slow breathing. Changbin turned beside him as the other was about to speak. Before he could get the words out-

Beep Beep Beep

Changbin woke up grumpy and slammed his hand onto his phone, shutting the alarm off. He was quite disappointed from the sudden cut off he was so used to. Changbin has been having the same dream for a month now and it has never ended the way he wanted. The only thing he knew was, 1 he had never seen that boy in his life, and 2 he was in love with whoever it was.

He had soft black hair that Changbin wanted to play with, beautiful full lips that Changbin wanted to kiss, a jawline sharper than the paper that cut his thumb and a cute little dot under his right eye. What a perfect boy... who wasn't real.

Changbin tiredly crawled out of the pile of blankets on his bed and made his way into his en suite to get ready for his first day of grade 11, at his new school. Changbin placed his glasses on then combed his jet black hair, washed his face and put a bit of pink blush on for some colour. He was never a big fan of makeup but it makes him look less dead so he used it anyway. Changbin then went to the kitchen to make a bowl of cereal just to leave it there untouched when he ran to get changed. He quickly changed into his Dark grey school uniform completed with a purple tie and grabbed his black backpack before rushing out of the door to the bus, completely forgetting about his cereal.

Stepping onto the bus Changbin felt strange. So many new faces, people wearing the same clothes he was, he might have to talk to them eventually. He stuck his AirPods in, adjusted his golden circle framed glasses then turned on some music for the ride. Changbin found an empty seat and sat down next to a boy who was already there. He thought the boy wouldn't bother him.. he was obviously wrong.

Changbin was interrupted from his music by someone tapping his shoulder. He took out one of his AirPods to be nice and see what they wanted.

"Hello there!" A red haired boy exclaimed.

"My name's Jeongin, What's yours?" He smiled widely showing his braces.

"I'm.. I'm Changbin." he introduced himself, mentaly cursing for his stuttering.

Although Changbin didn't want to talk to anyone this guy seemed nice and he could use a friend so he wouldn't be so lonely. They bonded over TV shows, games and weird phases they went through.

"Hey what kind of music do you like?" Jeongin asked yet again with a wide smile

"I like all different kinds of music. My favourite song right now is Space makes me sad by Fiji Blue, here take a listen" Changbin handed Jeongin one of his airpods to hear it.

They listened to the rest of the song and Jeongin complimented his music tastes.

"I'll definitely add this to my playlist!"

They finally arrived at school. it was a big building with the name on a sign written in big silver letters. 'Byeol-Ja Secondary school'

Changbin's stomach turned. He has never been to a school this big or with this many kids. He didn't know what to expect other than what happens those crush x reader fanfics Changbin spent his time reading. He exited the bus with Jeongin then entered the school together. Changbin followed Jeongin to the cafeteria where all of the schedules were being handed out and got into a line behind him.

After about 3 minutes into waiting another boy walked up to Changbin and Jeongin while they were talking. He had dark brown hair and black circle framed glasses that looked like his own.

Sweet Dreams  ||  ChangJinWhere stories live. Discover now