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"Changbinnie, can I feed you?"

"Feed me, w-why" Changbin asks, quite confused

"It will be cuteee. Pleasee" Hyunjin begs, showing a side of Aegyo

Changbin thinks for a moment then opens his mouth, letting Hyunjin feed him. They both immediately laugh at the funny yet awkward moment. Hyunjin pinches Changbins soft cheeks then goes back to eating his own ice cream, leaving Changbin to think on his own.

"Omg that was hella cute" Jeongin whispers to Changbin, whose face was a nice shade of pink.

"Oh shush" Changbin pushes him away,

The group kept talking and making jokes, laughing so loud Woojin told them to keep it down already. Of course they apologized but slightly failed to keep quiet.

Jeongin had already finished his sundae, which was the most anyone at the table had. It was 3 scoops where everyone else had 1 or 2.

It was a lot of ice cream and now the group had to deal with a sugar high fox.

Soon after the couple finished their milkshake and the rest finished up their cones, not before taking some pictures to post to their Instagram. They thanked Woojin for dealing with them being so crazy and made sure to leave a bit of a tip for him. The group o 8 finally left the ice cream shop, not knowing what to do next. That's when Seungmin had an idea.

"Oh my gosh we should go to an arcade. I know a super fun one near here." He announced to the group.

"Oh are you talking about DZY? I love that place!" Hyunjin counts in. Seungmin nods and asks the possy if they wanted to go.

Hyunjin, already bouncing with excitement said yes immediately followed by everyone cheering with agreement. This was going to be interesting.

The gang of 8 arrive at a beautiful retro style building with a huge neon sign with 'DZY Arcade' written in big letters. They are already in awe, even before they step in. Entering the arcade was a magical experience. The house lights were off and the only thing illuminating the space was many multicolored neon lights in many designs and patterns. Some had sayings or just shapes and symbols.

They stood still for just a moment, taking it all in before running towards the token desk where they also give out the prizes.

There were 2 people working behind the booth. One had pink hair and the other, blue. It was an odd pair to be certain.

"Hello" Chan stepped in front took charge of ordering as many tokens as they would need.

"We would like to get some tokens for the games please"

The guy with pink hair turns around and walks towards them with a smile.

"Of course, how many would you like?" The worker asks, lingering his fingers over a screen, waiting for the answer.

"I think 100 to start, we can always get more, I bet this one here will spend them all though" Chan laughs and points to a very excited Hyunjin, who was looking around like a kid in a candy store. The worker laughs then punches in a number onto the screen.

"You can collect them here" he hands them two brightly colored tubes to collect the coins in. The boys fill up the buckets and make sure to thank the pink haired boy before going on their way to the games. Each of them grab a handful and stuffed them into their pockets so they could all play themselves. Chan carried one of the buckets with him and Minho had the other

Seungmin joined Jeongin with playing skeeball, Jisung stood there and watched for a bit before deciding he wanted in too.

Minho went off with Changbin who was playing a Dance Dance Revolution battle game with another team on the other machine and Hyunjin went with third wheeling Chan and Felix as they walk around searching for games to try out.

Sweet Dreams  ||  ChangJinWhere stories live. Discover now