Self Hatred

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So, here's the part where I explain what hatred or specifically, what Self-Hatred is, and talk about what I've been through.

But, let's be honest, do I really need to?

I doubt if anyone hasn't gone through one moment of self loathe, and incompetency?

Haven't we all?

Haven't we all felt that pressure to be somebody?

To do that one thing?

Or to attain one height or the other?

Well, here's what I know: Our bodies, and lives are not objects that people have to find delight in.

It's okay if someone looks at you and doesn't like you.

It's okay if someone feels dissatisfied at whatever or wherever you are, in your life.

But it's not okay, when they make you feel you bad about yourself because of any their standards/expectations.

And it's even worse, when you allow other people's expectations and thoughts about your life rule your happiness, purpose and entire life.

Thus, from the next page on, is a glimpse of what Self-Hatred felt. Well, at least, for me.

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