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After Bakugou ate his lunch and Y/n drank her martini, the two headed for the agency building.

On their way towards Y/n's office room, Hawks came rushing out of his own, messy, dirty blond hair falling into his golden eyes as he noticed the pair.

"Hi" He slowed down to greet them. 

"Hey" Y/n said softly back.

There was a minute of silence with the two staring at each other, nothing to say, yet not wanting to move forward.

Bakugou was an inpatient person though, and playing with open cards was never a problem for him, so now as well, he let the others hear his clear opinion.


The two adults snapped so fast, one could have thought their necks were going to break.

"THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY??" Y/n raged with her pupils growing so small, even Bakugou felt somewhat scared, still, he growled in response.

Hawks let a laugh escapes his lips.

"You couldn't have chosen a better intern"

Y/n crossed her arms and tilted her head aside, watching from afar as a woman, probably in her early thirties, tried pouring coffee from a mug into another. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked, still watching the lady.

"Nothing, nothing" The man laughed her off before continuing "do you have anything in mind for tonight?"

By now, Bakugou was on his phone, typing away with rapid motions and a furious face, clearly not paying attention.

"Nothing in particular"

"Awesome, when do you finish?"

Y/n looked at Bakugou then back at Hawks and pointed at the younger with her thumb.

"have to drop this fucker off at UA at like five?" It came out as a question more then it should have.

Hawks let a veiny hand slide through his always so naturally yet perfectly styled hair.

"I can pick up Suzy from nursery if that'd help with your schedule" He offered and Y/n looked at him with wide eyes.

"Are you sure? I mean you don't have to do that.."

"I insist. When would you even finish patrolling?"

It occurred to Y/n just now, that the help was really needed. She would finish patrolling at five and would have to escort the intern back to the UA dorms at the same time.

Nursery school ends at four, so there's no way in living hell that she would be enough to handle today.

"Uh- alright. Thanks"

"Cool, I'll text you later"

Y/n wanted to shrug so bad. She wanted to show him that she was a hero and she has everything under control. She wanted to be the strong Lustre who everyone thought she was.

But Hawks knew her. Probably better than any other friend she ever had, and like her daddy dearest used to say; knowledge is power and Y/n couldn't help but fear of how this power could be anytime easily be played against her.

She felt six knives being stabbed into her back every time the man offered his help.

But that was just her anxious self overthinking the situation, if Hawks insisted on helping, then she'll gladly accept.

"Come oN" Bakugou pulled her towards where they were headed before and that's just when Y/n noticed that Hawks had already left.

When they were done with Bakugou's id and Y/n's short photoshoot, it was time for the patrol.

Y/n found Bakugou's suit really amusing. She would tease poor boy about it constantly and by the time they got to the meeting spot, Y/n looked as if she got caught in a crossfire.

Her face was bruised from all the blasts she'd received in the past fifteen minutes and had a boy, who looked as if he was gonna explode any minute now, following her around.

Anyhow, she was laughing. This was what gave her real power over her everyday little things; the ability to laugh off everything and understand the joy that came along, even if it sounds sappy.

Fatgum had always been of her favorite heroes, even when y/n was nowhere near the hero charts.

So when they got there, Y/n rushed over quickly and embraced her friend in a big bear hug.

Hugging the hero was like dipping your head under water, you'd have to take a big breath before doing it in order not to suffocate.

She looked over at the youths standing next to each other.

Y/n was told earlier that year that fatgum would have two interns.

One had dark hair and looked like a mommy's boy and the other..

..well the other looked as if he had Bakugou easily wrapped around his fingers.

She could see a smile on the always so mean boy's features and lifted a brow at that.

"Oh?" She said amusingly, earning a slap on the arm by none other than fatgum.

"Let them be" He said and smiled at the girl.

"How's Hawks by the way?" He questioned and Y/n almost- just almost- cursed out loud, but stopped when she noticed people staring at them.

"He's doing just fine" She said and fatgum chuckled.

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