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"You heard it, don't make me repeat myself" She mumbled into her arms, which she kept her knees together with.

She could heard Hawks shuffle in his seat and she pursed her lips, not expecting the worst, yet still pretty conscious of the words she just spoke.

By now the city was dark with lights enchanting her view.

Hawks cleared his throat and rubbed his hands together. It was starting to get cold.

He looked at her again.

"I swear if this is a prank it's not funny-"

"It's not."

[color] eyes piercing right into his own.

"Ah, well in that case-" A shiver ran down his spine "-I feel like that too."

"I figured" She muttered, sight still laying on the scenery.

Hawks scoffed mockingly.

"Well it wasn't like I was trying to hide it or anything,"

"So.. what now?"

Hawks breathed in a grand doze of air before exhaling and answering.

"I don't know,"

Y/n gave him a look of disbelief to which he replied by putting his hands up in surrender.

"I want to be with you, you know."

"What's holding you back."

He shrugged his shoulders in an uncaring manner.

"Besides the media, nothing really."

"The media?"

"Yeah, when two heroes get together they try to create scandals just to attract attention to themselves. It's pathetic, really, but I don't need the weight of unconsciously hurting you" He said, eyeing a building far away.

"You wouldn't hurt me, I don't even read the news that often.. especially the scandalous parts- besides you it's not guaranteed that they're gonna do that to us"

Hawks nodded in agreement with a smirk forming on his lips.

"us" He repeated, letting the word linger a bit on his tongue, as if tasting how it felt like saying it "I like the sound of that".

He's smirk never leaving those goddamn kissable lips.

"Won't lie, I do too." Y/n hid her smile by supporting hear head on her arms.

She could feel Hawks shifting closer, her side touching the said man's chest.


"Yeah." She whisper like replied to the male, whose face by now was inches away from hers.

She let his eyes wander over her face, fingers tilting her head to the side, just to close the gap.

Hand on her cheek, chapped lips against her's, golden orbs staring right into her, looking at all the things she wouldn't say out loud.

The kiss was chaste, lasting a few seconds until Hawks let his hand slide off her cheek and creating a small distance between them.

"Then why don't we make 'us' a thing?"

"I don't know, should we?" Y/n said, looking at the man and his fire like wings flop in hidden excitement.

Hawks hummed and leant back, sliding the hand, which not even a minute ago guided Y/n's face towards his own, to the girl's hand, holding it softly.

So softly, Y/n didn't even notice it.

"I asked you first, it's only polite if you answer" His grin widened and Y/n couldn't help but softly giggle.

"Right.. Okay- I'm in."



Hawks didn't know what to say. He just stat there, startled, yet more than happy even if his face looked more as if shocked.

"You're such a dumbass, I already told you I'd be happy to be with you." The girl laughed and launched herself towards Hawks', surprising him with a desired kiss.

He melted into it right away and let a muffled laugh escape as Y/n pecked the corner of his mouth.

"Then it's settled, girlfriend." He grinned yet again, guiding a delicate touch through Y/n's [color], [hair length] locks of hair.

"Damn right it is, boyfriend." She laughed, wrapping the blanket around them both.


"Long night?" Miruko laughed  when she noticed her friend's exhausted face.

Y/n hid her frame in light blue and white striped sweat pants and one of Hawks' big, long, white turtlenecks. She wore her usual white sneakers with it, and a colorful bracelet, which Suzy made for her and Hawks in nursery school yesterday.

"Like the style thought" Miruko mocked with a raised brow.

"Shut up," Y/n hit her arm lightly "yeah, kinda rough night." She pointed out, making Miruko smirk slyly.

"Figured that much.. Did you know Hawks has the same turtleneck?" She raised a brow and kept laughing.

Y/n smiled along her bark like laughs, knowing very well that her friend's teasing was just because she'd told her what happened two nights ago.

"You guys are pretty cute though, filling up the media and taking all the attention yourselves." She fake pouted and now it was Y/n's turn to laugh.

"You know it's not like that."

"Of course I do, you're not that smart."

"Pfftt~ you can be such a bitch sometimes, my god." Y/n face palmed and shoved the girl again before continuing.

"I don't even want to talk to you now, let's head to training."

She paced ahed, just to not hear Miruko's ever lasting giggles and barking laughs.

Y/n smiled to herself, glad her friend was supportive, glad that the media was supportive.. at least so far.

𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐞𝐬, keigo takamiWhere stories live. Discover now