1. Wife: How would you describe me?
Wife: What does that mean?
Husband: adorable, beautiful, cute, delightful, elegant, fashionable, gorgeous, and hot.
Wife: Aw thankyou, but what about ijk?
Husband:I'm Just kidding!
Roses are red.
Your blood is too.
You look like a monkey,
And belong in a zoo.
Do not worry,
I'll be there too. Not in the
Cage, but laughing at you.
3. Knock, knock.
Who's there? I eat mop.
I eat mop who?
Hah! You said "I eat ma poo"!
4. Q: what is the best day to go to the beach?
A: Sunday afcourse!
5. Q: How do you make an octupus laugh?
A: With ten tickles.
6. Q: What starts with p and ends with e and has thousand letters?
A: Post office.
7. Q: How did the tomato get its color red?
A: Salad saw toomato dressing.
8. Q: What did the nose say to the finger?
A: Stop picking me.
Laugh till you die!
HumorThis is a joke book. Amazing jokes. These jokes are gonna make you laugh. Read this joke book and laugh.