Chapter Thirteen - Dancing Queen, Young and Sweet

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Chapter Thirteen

Dancing Queen, Young and Sweet

With as much dignity as someone who just attempted to steal a car and make a break for the main road can, I followed Arthur back to the house. He looked over his shoulder several times, careful glances as if he half expected me to bolt again. 

Self-consciously, I attempt to straighten my rain-crumpled t-shirt and run my fingers through my silver, matted hair as I look Gab in the eye, back in the kitchen. I try my hardest not to blush.

"You run faster than I remember," He remarks lightly. Behind him, Albert snorts into his orange juice. 

"I'm not going to apologise."

"Didn't expect you to," Gab shrugs, trying to hide a smirk with his palm by cupping his cheek. "I remember the old Dylan stubbornness, I didn't have much hope that you'd mature that much in just a year." 

I push my hip into his, shoving him gently for his small insult. But I offer him a small smile, the most I can offer anyone right now. 

Kit is lounging at the kitchen table, his eyes fixated on his phone. A deep frown is forming between his brows and he is actually biting his lip. 

He notices me looking at him and glances up. 

"Willow not replying?" I ask, coolly. On behalf of my best friend, I won't forgive him for leaving her any more than she will forgive Arthur.

"Piss off, Dylan," He mutters, running a hand through his hair miserably. 

Willow had mentioned on our beach run/walk that Kit had messaged her in reply to an Instagram post of hers asking to meet up for a coffee on campus. Admittedly, it wasn't the smoothest move and considering how smooth Kit usually was with girls, this just told me how much he misses Willow. However, she was not impressed and promptly deleted the comment, claiming that he was staining her feed. 

I hoped that someday soon she would be honest with me about her feelings for Kit. If she couldn't be honest with me, there was no way she could be honest with Ava or Nicole. 

With a heavy sigh, I turn around to Gab. 

"Wanna practice lifts then?" 

His face scrunches up in disappointment, Arthur breaks into a grin and Albert's eyes grow wide and pleading. 

"Please, Dyl, it's already dark, it's been a long day," Gab begins to beg. "A nice, healthy game of poker might be better?" 

A sudden flash of memory hits me as I remember the countless nights I spent here playing poker, being entirely swindled out of my money. The boys played mercilessly. Without some of my girls here, I was sure to lose. 

Crossing my arms over chest, I try my best to pose with an air of authority before the most unruly boys I know. 

"I'll play a game, but only one I get to pick." 

There was a communal groan as they each remembered my favourite game. For once, it was my turn to beam.

Half an hour later, we were all sitting on the cushioned floor of the boys' games room, surrounded by pillows and pizza that had been hurriedly ordered by a ravenous Gab. The games room was mostly a video games room, but there was a pool and foosball table too.

Before us, a game of Pictionary was sprawled out and I was currently staring at Albert's drawing of an unidentifiable shape with a scribbled animal next to it. 

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