Chapter Nineteen - Improper Behaviour

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Hello guys,

I've just finished Anne with an E Season Three and I am in mourning of the loss of the show - seriously. I guess I'll just have to rely on Outlander keeping me company from now on! In other news, I'm already waiting for Spring.

I hope you're all well.

Jen xx

Chapter Nineteen - Improper Behaviour

There are very stereotypes of the college experience that I wholeheartedly buy into and college football is one of them. While high school had felt like an endless cycle of football games, pep rallies, and overly enthusiastic cheerleaders, college is somehow simultaneously more relaxed and more hyped. Everyone is free to be as laidback or eccentric as they choose.

For tonight, I choose to relax and just have fun.

It feels strange to walk through the stadium grounds on campus on the brisk December evening with Gab Heaver at my side once more. During the last college year, I hadn't attended a single game and spying the gaggles of excited onlookers, I realise how much I missed it.

The girls, Nicole, Ava, and Willow trail behind us swapping fries, nachos and popcorn. I take my gloves out of my coat pocket and slip them over my hands, already cursing the nights' chill.

Once my gloves are in place, Gab eagerly takes hold of my hand. It has been a long time since I've seen him this excited.

"There is nothing like the first home game of the season!" He squeezes my hand and cannot keep the beam from his expression. "I missed this."

Rather than allowing myself to get caught in the nostalgia of the moment, I frown up at him.

"Gab, you hate football?" I remind my loving dance partner, squeezing his hand in return.

He shoots me a sly, sideways smile.

"You're completely right. I do hate it. But I hate it less when my brothers are playing," He admits and I return his smile.

Kit and Albert had always been the lacrosse players of the family, Gab was the only dancer and Art had been the football player. When the boys had returned to the university, Kit and Albert had missed the lacrosse team's summer season and in need of a physical outlet, had signed up for football instead. It had been a relatively easy trade, Kit had boasted to Willow, stating that they were both now lifting more than they ever had.

"It's time to go mon amie," Gab says as we enter the football grounds and see the floodlights lighting up the pitch. Gab takes off towards Elio, Aaron, and Sam, who is none too subtly passing around a hipflask.

I fall back into step with the girls, looping my arm through Ava's. As I walk ahead of up her up the bleachers and pull off my coat to protect me from the filthy seat, I feel her tug the back of my football jersey. It's Damien's, tied up at my waist where a small slip of my midriff shows between the shirt and my tight jeans. A number nine is emblazoned on the back in bold, silver lettering.

"Really playing it up, aren't you?" Ava quips, a feline smile lighting her eyes. I slide onto the bench and roll my eyes.

"It's easier than the argument if I didn't wear it," I murmur, glancing at Willow to see that she is decidedly not wearing a shirt with Kit's number on it.

I grab a handful of nachos from Nicole and look out at the pitch. Our team, the Centaurs are already warming up, wearing the college colours of bottle green and silver. Immediately, I spy Damien searching the crowd. He catches my gaze and winks at me. I smile back, waving weakly. Willow hides and exasperated sigh behind her hand until Damien returns to stretching out his legs. A moment later, I notice Art looking from Damien to me and I immediately look away.

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