Chapter Thirty-Three - Epilogue

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(It felt right to end this section of Dylan's life with an old faithful as a header. What is better than the 2005 Pride and Prejudice?)

Chapter Thirty-Three


The day is warm and humid and made more uncomfortable by the five-inch heels Willow insisted I wear. 

"Are you okay?" Art says, poking me in the ribs and eyeing my wobbling feet with raised eyebrows. My only response is an audible groan that causes Willow to turn around from the row in front of us and gesture that another compliant and I'm dead. 

Thankfully, the sound of the orchestra started up distracts me as I twirl on the spot to eye the bottom of the pale pink carpet, unrolled on the sun-drenched lawn of the wedding venue. 

Helena stands in a simple wedding gown, more ivory than white, with full-length lace sleeve and low-hanging back. She walks slowly, in time with the beautiful, lyrical beat and toward Art's father, who stands under an archway of roses and peonies, his hands clenched into fists at his sides. Behind him, the twins give his shoulders a gentle squeeze and he visibly relaxes, turning to give both Al and Kit a swift hug. He turns to see both Gabe and Art and his grey eyes are lined with water. They were his oldest boys and thus, the best men in his wedding to Helena, the soft-souled, artistic woman that we had all fallen in love over the past few months. 

Waiting for the college year to end, for Gabe and I to take third at Nationals, the wedding was the beginning of what promised to be a very warm June. When Helena passes us, I take Art's palm in mine, squeezing it gently. He looks down on me, his blue eyes sparkling with a tentative kind of joy. I understand that fear. When happiness arrives after tragedy we often wonder how long it will take for us to lose it all over again. 

As we take our seats and Helena hands her bouquet off to one of her sisters who is her maid-of-honour, Art leans in so close to me that his minty breath tickles my neck. 

"I can't wait to dance with you for the rest of our lives."

I turn to face him, beaming in this moment of undiluted happiness as I raise a hand to touch the side of his warm face. 

"I guess the reception of this wedding is a good place to start," I whisper, kissing his cheek. 


I was right, as we spend almost the entirety of the reception dancing in each other's arms, or with our friends and family as a group. When Shut Up and Dance with Me plays and Art's father attempts to do the worm as Art drunkenly murmurs his love for both me and this song, I pull away, shouting over the music about needed a drink. 

At the bar, I find Willow twiddling a straw between her fingers and swirling a glass of sparkling water. I bump my hip against hers and she grins at the sight of me. I order a vodka and with diet coke and when it arrives, we sip in comfortable silence, watching our boyfriends dance to the Cha-Cha-Slide.

"It's been a hell of a year," I say, sipping my drink. I glance sideways at Willow. "I'm glad we're still us." 

Willow meets my gaze, biting her life. 

"Good," She says through gritted teeth. "Because it's about to get a little more chaotic around her." 

I follow her hand as it moves from her water glass to rest on her stomach. 

My glass shatters against the floor as I grab Willow in the tightest embrace she would ever allow. When we pull apart, tears are falling down my face. 

In the moment of our hug, when I catch sight of Art over Willow's shoulder, I recognise that I am experiencing one of life's euphoric moments, a feeling I have been missing for so long. 

Fearlessly, I embrace life with both hands.


Hello loves, 

Well, here we are! The end of this journey... but most likely not the end of this world, as I would love to write a story with Willow and Kit as the main characters, perhaps set several years in the future. Let me know if that's something you might enjoy? 

Thank you so much for reading along with every chapter, for allowing me to express myself. It means the world. 

With love always, 

Jens x

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