27) Texting on smartphones

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Now, of course, smartphones have done a huge favour to mankind, especially since they've been booming in recent years, (I'm even writing this rant on my phone)but like everything else, it has its downsides.

Such as the fact that I'm too accessible now.

I only got my first smartphone a few months ago and the difference is pretty apparent in terms of how people can access me. If my friends wanted to access me, they had to email me, and ain't nobody got time for that. If my family back in the ol' country wanted to access me, they had to whatsapp my brother on his phone and ask for me.


All you gotta do is text me. And it annoys me. It annoys me that my 20 year old cousin in India who I despise so much can annoy me through the family group on whatsapp. He didn't even need my number and yet, there he is, thousands of miles away, able to annoy me by simply tapping his phone.

And with my friends, it's worse. I have a habit of deleting the apps my friends use to text me and not reinstalling it so of course, they text me and I don't reply. And if I don't reply for a few days, then I totally understand why they would get annoyed with me and think I've been abducted by aliens. But if I don't reply for a few hours and they get annoyed, well, you've just made my blacklist. Because you see, as shocking as this may seem, I own something called a life. Right. And some people don't get that.

This is how the people text you:


What's up?

You there?

Where are you?

Why aren't you replying?

Did something happen?




Why aren't you talking to me?

That's it. I'm not your friend anymore, you don't like me anymore :/

:/ :/

And that entire one sided conversation takes place in less than a few hours. Or maybe in a day or 2.

That annoys me. A lot.

Because I have something called a life, a fucking life, you hear me?

It's considered rude to not reply to a person's message 2 seconds later. And I'm not sorry but these people need to realise that I do get busy, that I have other things to do, better things to do than reply to people's texts.

Because you know what? I ain't gonna get the grades I need (and want) by replying to people's texts. My life isn't instantly going to be problem free by replying to people's texts.

And there's one more thing. I forget. Okay, call me a criminal and lock me away but it's true. Anyone who's met me will know I can be quite forgetful and it happens. People forget. People forget about things that aren't necessarily a priority.

There's an emergency, you say? Motherfucking call me or text me on my actual phone and not on those stupid apps. You don't have my number? Well, there's probably a reason.

I also don't understand why people will be so excited when someone texts them, literally at the first buzz, they'll make a wild grab for their phone and I be like... okay?

Another thing that annoys me: when people text while I'm talking to them.

That's fucking rude. Okay? You can't just pick up your phone and text someone else when I'm trying to talk to you. Like, hello...? I don't care if you're still listening, it's rude, you can't just have one mind on your phone and the other on your phone. Imagine if that happened a mere 10 years ago. Oh wait; it wouldn't. Because smartphones weren't a big thing then (if they were even invented back then) Everyone had crappy little bricks which took forever to type words in and therefore no one bothered to text. I actually miss those days, when everyone wasn't so glued to their individual screens but that's another rant for another day.

But imagine in 2003, a teenager met up with another teenager and one of them was reading a book at the same time as the other one was talking.

They'd never meet up ever again.

But now, it's the norm.

And it's sad. It's fucking sad how people would rather have an intimate conversation with their screen than with a face.

If you're either one of those people, stop. It's annoying.

Hope you liked this rant, if you did, vote annoying and leave a comment down below about what you think.

Until then, folks


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