Interview with @DarkEmeraldGem

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This is the first of a few interviews I will be doing this week so I hope you guys enjoy.

1) Name (real or username)


2) When and how did you discover Wattpad?

I was googling websites to put my writing on, and happened across it. It seemed like an interesting site and so I went ahead and made an account.

3) Is there a story behind your username or why you picked it?

I've had about three usernames so far. The first was SariaAhmed, which is the name of my main character. I changed it because too many people were mistakenly thinking the character and I are the same person. We aren't. The second was NoComparison, and my third, and hopefully final name, is DarkEmeraldGem. The Emerald part comes from the fact that I am Irish. Dark, because I write "dark" stories and gem simply because it flows nicely, I think.

4) What genre of books do you like to read/write?

I read anything except Real Person Fanfiction. Currently, I am writing a fan fiction of the book Kite Runner. My story can also double as a psychological thriller. My favourite genres are horror and thriller. I love to look at the darker aspects of humanity.

5) On average how much time do you spend on Wattpad in a day/week?

Too much.

6) What was the first story you posted and what was it about?

The first story I ever posted online was a WITCH fan fiction when I was thirteen. Not my finest hour. Thankfully it's since been deleted.

7) When did you first discover rant books on Wattpad and what was the book?

I can't quite remember, to be honest. I think it was a book ranting about cliche stories and plot points. I think it's been deleted since, unfortunately.

8) When did you discover my rant book and how?

I discovered you about two or three weeks ago through another user I follow. I kept seeing her comment on your book and thought I should check you out, too.

9) What do you think of the rant books which rant solely about Wattpad and the rant books which rant about both issues in the real world on Wattpad? Do you think rant books spread too much negativity?

I like both types, to be honest. Both can be interesting and shed light on a certain topic, or issue. As for negativity, I personally don't think rant books spread too much of it. I don't take them all that seriously. It's all a matter of opinion after all, especially on the topic of Wattpad.

10) Do you have a rant book yourself? If not,  would you consider?

Yes. It's called "The What in Wattpad."

11) What is your favourite rant from my book?

Probably rant number 3; Advertising Your Crap. Because I can relate to what you said and how annoying it is that people go blindly advertising all over the place without reading the rules.

12) Which is your least favourite rant from my book and why?

I don't think I have one, really. Maybe your rant about kids could be a bit harsh, but this is really scraping the bottom of the barrel for things to nitpick at here. I didn't like that one as much as the others, but you still got a chuckle out of me, which is good.

Part 2

1) What do you think of the current state of the Cafe?

I don't usually go there, so I can't say much, but I think the mods are doing a good job keeping things somewhat tidy. Still, I'm more likely to be found in one of the other clubs, so I guess it doesn't really affect me all that much.

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