Life Lessons from Luggage

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Without considering where we plan to go and what we should leave behind
We loose too many unnecessary thoughts with our purple door aardvarks
All tossed in our rush to get ready
We fumble half the time as our brain seeks failing memories
And while in our rush to start moving
We choose the willpower and patience to forgive our mistakes and move on
Pulling a heavy bag filled with burdens down a busy street

Hello Tuesday,
Is this where I need to be now?

Hello Wednesday,
Should I check a map or keep walking?

Hello Thursday,
Is this where I wish to be found?

Hello Friday,
Should I wander off or keep talking?

Hello Monday,
Is there a reason I missed you?

Pulling a heavy bag filled with worry weighs so very much
We lack the willpower and patience to forget our misfortunes and move on
And while in our rush to start living
We stumble half the time as our pain starts growing memories
And lost in our rush to get home soon
We pack too many unnecessary thoughts with our traveling luggage
Without considering where we plan to go and what we should leave behind

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