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Eydis didn't punish Astrid as much as I had initially thought she would. She received only a suffocating embrace and a frantic lecture: ("Why must you disobey our one strict rule — 'never leave my eye sight at all times' — your turning out to be just like your ratchet sister!What has she done to you?" Eydis projected, "SIGRID! Come here at once! You must have had something to do with this rebellious foolery, you're ruining your perfect sister! I am unable to believe that you could have done this to such a wonderful—...). Somehow, my eldest found a way to direct the lecture towards me, little ol' innocent me.

The heat died down after a while of Eydis blasting steam from her perfect pale ears — which was of course, accompanied by a symphony of frustrated huffs and grunts. By that time, the sun was pulled under the land and the moon was shining above, cascading blue light onto the streets below.

It was then that I had heard a small knock on my wooden door, "Sigrid? Are you still awake? It's midnight and you promised to help me sneak out to see Thor — and perhaps Loki as well if he decides to join."

I took a deep sigh and shuffled my way to the door to let my sister inside. She merrily tiptoed into my sleeping quarters and collapsed onto the chair next to the open window, which overlooked a lovely courtyard next to the Market Square. The courtyard to which we were to meet my sister's new friends.

"Oh Sigrid, what is this feeling that is fluttering inside my stomach?" Astrid whispered dreamily, resting her hand upon her forehead dramatically, "Silly me, what am I asking you this question for? it's not like you would know — you're the little sister."

"Much appreciated," I replied sarcastically, "Anyway, are you completely prepared to leave now? It's about the right time."

"Prepared? How can I be prepared for such a moment? Gosh, you have much to learn about love."

"Love? What do you know about love?"

"More than you do sister dearest, that's for sure," Astrid gave me a wise look, as if to infer she was many years old and had experienced all there was to experience.

I found her revelation rather odd, for not long before she wasn't sure what that bubbly feeling she had was concocted from; and suddenly she does! "How do you know that what you're feeling is a product of love? You only met him once, that I'm aware."

"True love at first meet does exist, sister. One day you'll understand, maybe."

With an exasperated eye roll and a short peak out of the window, I finally decide that it is prime time to leave.

"Well before you pass out from all the love you're suffocating on, how about we don't disappoint any more people today and find Thor?"

"Oh yes of course! I nearly forgot, dear me!" Astrid jumped to her feet and brushed herself down to straighten out her dress.

"Quickly, we mustn't make you late! Stay silent though sister, if anybody hears us we will get into deep trouble." I rushed to the door and slowly creaked it open, squeezing myself through the small gap I made to avoid the hinges squeaking, "Careful now, don't open the door too wide, these hinges are old and stiff."

Astrid slipped through the gap as I did, gently shutting the door behind her. We tiptoed briskly down the long flight of stairs that wound it's way down the tower walls — our mother was the seamstress for the royal family in Asgard, so they repaid her with the comforts of a small tower and a decent pay. None of us children have ever met anyone of royal blood, even though our own mother works so closely with them.

Our mother seldom came home, she was always very busy working on new clothing for the royal family and their warriors, so the three of her offspring grew to take care of each other; Eydis, being Astrid and I's eldest, became our unofficial 'care giver'. We'd never met our father, mother said he was lost in The Battle of Jötunheim, his death was never confirmed however, but nobody has seen him for years — presumed dead by the public and even the King himself.

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