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"Magic, love. Magic."

Magic. I'd never in my life believed that I could meet anybody who had the knowledge and the possession of such a tool. Loki was so young also, it was a mystery to me that someone of his age could do serious magic such as the transfiguration illusion that he pulled right before my eyes.

"How did you learn?" I asked him.

"My mother taught me," he replied with, conjuring a small green flame in his palm, I observed it in awe.

"This is amazing, Loki. Your gift is truly admirable," I watched intensely as he moulded the flame into different shapes and scenes such as: a dancing girl, a self-opening and closing book, a beautiful raven flying in the sky and a small version of me picking flowers in a field. The last one was truly astonishing.

He flashed me a charming smile.

"So that means, when Thor asked you to conjure a light illusion, he meant it literally?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well, I just assumed he meant bring out a candle," I replied sheepishly.

"Where was I supposed to keep a candle in these garments?" Loki chuckled, gesturing towards his clothes. He was wearing a well made long sleeved black leather tunic with a few dark green accents diagonally striped across the front, which was worn underneath a black vest with forest green lapels and golden hem lines. The vest ended at his knees; whom were covered by slim black pants that seemed slightly too big, which caused the fabric around his ankles to bunch up over his black boots. He certainly was dressed to impress.

"I do not know, I may be smarter than both Eydis and Astrid but that doesn't mean I'm all that bright," I chuckled, blushing giddily at my stupidity.

"Well at least you reign above your siblings in intelligence."

"Yes, and I am most grateful for that," I laughed.

"It's strange really, Astrid didn't even think twice when my magic was ever mentioned. Perhaps she thought the same as you!"

"Oh dear that would be an awful shame."

Loki's adorable laugh filled the night air, "I know exactly what you mean, if I was anything like my brother I would be outraged."


It had been somewhere between an hour or two since we had seen Astrid or Thor, we never really wondered what they were up to, we didn't really care. All we cared about in those hours, was each other's company and all the conversation we brought ourselves to be apart of. A blooming friendship was surely forming.



I whirled my head around to the loud echoing sound. We weren't alone. I noticed Loki heard it too. He looked at me with concern. His hands were twirling around at his side, with the green fog and sparkles spiralling into appearance — for only a moment though, until a gorgeous blade was conjured in his fist.

"Sigrid, if Eydis found out you were here at this hour she'd kill you. I thought you'd learnt from last time," a voice called from within the night's gloom.

I knew that voice, and I knew very well who it belonged too.

"I'm sure your father won't be all that pleased with you here either, Eyvind."

Eyvind stepped forward into the light of the moon, it was definitely him, I could recognise that voice from anywhere. His father was a close friend of our family for years, he was a warrior along side my own father. Eyvind and I had always been quite close, since our first meet when we were only small. He was my only friend for a very long time, up until this night in fact, when I met Loki.

"How long," I began, "How long have you been following us?"

Eyvind glanced at Loki for a moment, then back at me, "Not long, only a couple minutes. I knew that you shouldn't be out at this time so I decided I would warn you that Eydis has awoken and is promptly scanning the city for you as we speak."

"Oh no," my eyes grew wide with terror, Eydis is going to be the upmost brutal when she finds me — if she finds me, "I knew this was a bad idea."

Loki looked down at his feet, a little disappointed.

"Yes, it was. Now anyway, I have an excuse that you can use, if you would just follow me back to my quarters that would work perfectly," Eyvind stepped closer to me, placing a hand on the small of my back before ushering me forward in the general direction to his place of residence, "so the plan is: you come with me, and in the morning we'll tell Eydis that you couldn't sleep so you went to mine and stayed the night. Does that sound believable?"

I looked back at Loki, who's face was solemn and awkward. The blade had phased back into non-existence and his eyes were looking everywhere but me, I'm sure he felt betrayed and I couldn't blame him for that.

"I guess it does, but Eydis won't like it any more than she likes this," I responded, looking back towards Eyvind. I knew he was smart and had most likely thought out all the variables before submitting to a plan, but I suppose I just felt I needed to at least put a small amount of effort to try and stay, for Loki.

"She won't, but your mother loves me — whatever Eydis says shouldn't count for much if I'm involved."

He was right about that, there have been times where I have done something stupid but haven't gotten in trouble for it because of Eyvind's rescues. This was one of those times, but with Loki there; I didn't really want to be rescued.

"Well what if—"

"If you don't mind me interrupting," Loki started, "I think it might make this situation a little easier if I left, for it'll be better for you, Sigrid, if you went with this gentleman."

"Loki, it is perfectly fine—"

"I also apologise that," he paused, awkwardly staring down at the ground, "I wasn't really — please, bear with me here — I wasn't really here tonight, in the flesh. This figure you see before you is merely an illusion of my own self, I was using this opportunity as a way of practising my skills. I didn't think I would actually enjoy myself tonight, but managed to change my mind. Clever, aren't you?" Loki said with a charming smile.

I watched as a golden light gleamed around him, his form slowly phasing away in a glowing mist, leaving nothing behind but an empty feeling where he once was.

"Wh-What just— what was that!?" I panicked, dashing towards the spot Loki had just stood moments ago, "Where did he go? What did he mean— I'm so confused!"

Eyvind followed me over, "I-I don't know, he was there and now he's not! Who was this boy?"

I took in a deep breath, "His name was — is — Loki, son of Odin."

"Prince of Asgard? How did you meet him? No, that isn't important for now; how are you feeling? is the correct question."

"I'm fine for the most part, I am just so very confused, and a little dismayed," I looked to Eyvind with sad eyes, "Why didn't he tell me he wasn't there? It isn't that big of a deal to me (a lie) but it would've been a little nice to know that the time I spent with him was just an illusion and nothing more."

Eyvind pulled me into a soft embrace, though still a little bit shaken up himself, he wanted to make me feel better, "He did apologise though, and he seemed sincere about it. He also mentioned that his time with you — although not in true form — was rather enjoyable, that must count for something."

"He did, and I appreciate that, I guess."

"Oh Sigrid, you will see him again I'm sure of it, and since he found this outing quite pleasant, next time he'll surely come in person."

"Do you think so?"

"I know so. Now come along, we mustn't let Eydis find us, it's a miracle that she hasn't already."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2020 ⏰

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