Eleven - Meeting the Others

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There was a knock on the door and I look up John, confused. "Who is interrupting our important cuddling time?" I ask, frowning.

John chuckles. "I dunno, it's probably just Laf and Herc. Let me go get the door-"

"No, I'll get it." I sigh and stand up, rushing to the door. I then go up and open the door, ready to yell at Laf and Herc. "What do you two- Oh, hello. May I help you?"

There was an old man and a girl who looked around nineteen standing at the door. The girl was quite gorgeous I must admit, and the man looked old and angry.

"Oh, I must have the wrong dorm-" The girl starts.

"Maybe. Who are you looking for?" I ask.

"John Laurens." The older man says.

"Dad? Carrie?" I hear John ask, not seeming too excited.

The two in front of me smile and the girl- I'm assuming is Carrie- runs past me and hugs John. The older man just walks in without asking and I roll my eyes. "Come on in, then." I say under my breath before closing the door.

I cross my arms and lean against the wall, looking at John who was awkwardly hugging Carrie back. "Uh, what are you guys doing here?" He asks.

"What, can I not visit my favorite person in the world?" The girl asks in a high pitched tone. I frown at that, but I frown even more when she kisses him on the cheek.

"Son, I wanted to come and catch up with you. I didn't realize you'd have company." The man says, raising an eyebrow at me like I was some piece of trash.

"Dad, he's my roommate, of course he'd be here." John says, blushing lightly.

I frown again. Roommate? Did we not just become official? I try not to let it get to me as I fake a smile and hold out my hand for him to shake. "I'm Alexander Hamilton, John's b-"

"Best friend!" John says, smiling brightly.

The man smiles and shakes my hand and I glare at John. "Ah, it's so nice to meet you. Would you like to come to dinner with us?" His dad asks.

By now, Carrie had already touched John enough. She was holding his hand and leaning her head on his shoulder.

He called me his best friend, not his boyfriend. This girl is all over him. It's obvious what's going on here.

"You know what, I actually have plans tonight with a friend of mine. I should go and meet her now actually." I say, grabbing my phone off the couch and walking towards the door.

"Wait, Alex-" John says, grabbing my shoulder. I yank myself out of his grip and he frowns. "Please, come to dinner wit-"

"No, I have plans, John. Don't fucking touch me." I say before storming out of the room. I immediately go to Eliza's dorm and knock on the door. By now, I had already been on the verge of crying.

Eliza opens the door smiling, but her smile quickly fades when she sees me. "Oh, Alex, what happened?" She asks, leasing me inside and then sitting on her couch.

"H-h-he-he ch-ch-cheated..." I stutter, trying my best not to cry.

"What do you mean?" She asks, brushing my hair out my face.

"Well, we made it official after work...And-and then we went back to our dorm and watched TV and then this girl and his d-dad showed up and suddenly we were j-just friends..." I say rather quickly, but Eliza seems to understand.

"Alright, where did you get that he cheated?" She asks calmly.

"The girl was all over him, and he didn't stop her...He wouldn't even look me in the eye.." I then begin to sob into her shoulder as she hugs me.

"Oh, Alex I'm so sorry...I never thought of John like that, I could've sworn he was way too gay.." She mumbles the last part.

"I -I know, me too." I continue to cry.

"Liz, what's going on in here?" I hear another feminine voice ask.

Eliza and I both look up at the girl who looks to be in the same grade as me. "Oh, sorry Dosh, Alex needed some help.."

The girl sees me and her eyes widen as she realizes. "Oh, I'm so sorry uh..." She blushes lightly and waves. "Hi, I'm Theodosia.."

I wave back at her awkwardly before wiping away my tears. "I'm Alexander, sorry for barging in-"

"Don't apologise, Alex. You are always welcome here." Eliza half scolded half informed me.

There's a knock on the door and Theodosia nods and walks to the door. She opens it and squeals, throwing herself onto whoever was outside the door. I see Eliza roll her eyes.

"Go take your boyfriend elsewhere, Dosh. This dorm is occupied." She calls out, rubbing my back lightly.

I look around Eliza and see Theodosia run back into her room and Aaron Burr standing at the door. "Burr?" I ask.

He looks up at me and smiles. "Alex hey- What happened?" He asks, his smile dropping.

I shake my head. "Nothing.. You're dating someone?" I ask, chuckling lightly.

He rolls his eyes. "No, not necessarily-"

"They're not official, but they've gone on a million dates and he's always here." Eliza says, sounding annoyed.

"Aaron and I are just friends." Theodosia informs us as she walks back in the room.

Eliza and I look at each other and nod. "Yeah, friends don't greet each other like that, but okay." I chuckle.

Theodosia rolls her eyes. "Whatever, let's go Aaron." She grabs his hand and drags him away, closing the door behind them.

I look up at Eliza again. "Burr was blushing, they're definitely dating."

Eliza nods in agreement. "Yeah, they just are afraid. But anyway, we're not focusing on them, we're focusing on you."

I shake my head. "I don't wanna talk about it."

"About what?" She asks, smiling softly at me and I smile back.

1012 Words

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