Six - Old Habits Die Hard

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"Good morning, Alex. Want some pancakes?" I hear John ask, shaking me lightly.

We had talked calmly last night..It was nice. We got to know each other a bit better and we talked a little about his past. We haven't talked at all about mine, mainly because I'm not completely comfortable with him yet, but I told him eventually we may be able to get into it.

I cover my face with my pillow and groan. "I don't wanna wake up." I complain.

I hear him chuckle. His chuckle is cute. "Come on, come eat breakfast before Debate class today. Lafayette made them as an apology."

I sigh and throw my pillow at him before getting out of bed. "They better be good pancakes."

"Laf made them, they're amazing." He assures me, bringing me to the kitchen.

It isn't until John was handing me my plate full of pancakes that I realized he wasn't wearing a shirt. I thank him for the food and quickly look down, trying to hide the blush forming on my cheeks. I hear him chuckle again.

"What, you shy, Hamilton? We're both dudes, I thought you'd be fine with it." He shrugs.

I nod. "Yeah, yeah I'm...Yeah no, I'm alright with it. Not sh-shy at all." I say, shocked I managed to get any words out as my cheeks turned even redder.

He laughs at me and I sigh. "Shut up." I mumble, shoving pancakes into my mouth. As soon as I taste them, my eyes widen and I look up. "Holy shit, these are amazing." I say, my mouth still full of food.

John laughs again. "Oh good, I'll make sure to let Laf know." He sits down across from me and starts to eat his own plate of pancakes.

I occasionally glance up at him, wondering why he would want to start over with me. I then start to study his face. He has these big, light brown eyes and this round face. He also has so many freckles dotting his face. He also-

"Alexander?" I hear, suddenly snapping me out of my stare. I look up at John to see him waving his hand in front of me. "Oh, good, you can hear me. For a moment I thought you went deaf." He laughed and I blush slightly.

"S-sorry, I was uh.."


"What? No! I wasn't- Why would I be staring?"

"Alex, it's okay if you were."

"No, I wasn't staring I was...thinking."

"Thinking about what?"

"Uh..Uh.." I sigh and shove food in my mouth, earning yet another chuckle from John.

Once I finish my plate, I walk back to our shared bedroom and begin changing into jeans and a t shirt. I throw on the hoodie I always wear and then grab my laptop, shoving it into my bag. I sling my bag onto my shoulders and walk towards the door, as this was my usual routine.

"Wait wait wait." I hear John say as he runs to me. "I thought you'd want to maybe walk to class together?" He asks, biting his lower lip.

I was going to turn him down, since I had to leave a little earlier, but I just sigh instead. "Go get a shirt on." He smiles and runs to the room.

Timeskip brought by Washington moving us along. Wise words Washing Machine, wise words.

"Jefferson, Hamilton, hallway, now." Washington says angrily.

John lets go of me and James Madison lets go of Thomas as we make our way out of the classroom, glaring at each other as we did so. Washington closes the door and then faces us, crossing his arms.

"What was that?" He asks angrily. That was possesion..Sorry wrong musical.

Jefferson scoffs. "We were debating over the financial system, Mr. Washington."

"No, you weren't debating, you were arguing. I told you at the beginning of this semester that I wasn't going to tolerate it, and now, a week later, you two are after each others' heads!" He says loudly, probably the loudest I've ever heard him talk.

"Sir, I'm sorry, but Thomas crossed the line. I was just stating facts and then he goes into talking about poverty and how I-" I stop myself, knowing Jefferson had only subtly brought it up and Washington had no clue. "Nevermind..Sorry, sir."

Washington sighs and Thomas smirks at me. "Just..Don't let your debates get out of hand again. You're both dismissed for the rest of class." I frown at this, but don't oppose because I know it wouldn't do any good. Washington then turns and walks back into his classroom, and once the door is closed, I glare at Thomas.

"What the fuck is your problem, Jefferson? We were debating about money, why did you have to go and make it personal?" I argue to him, having to look up since he was at least a foot taller than me.

"Hey, I don't make the personal political, it's not my fault you took it that way." He shrugs, starting to walk the other way.

I run to catch up with him. "Excuse me, I wasn't done talking to you!"

"Interesting, because I was done listening to you." Jefferson retorts.

I scoff and push him lightly. "No, you don't get to just say shit like that and then walk away."

He stops walking and laughs. He then turns around to me, smirking. "Oh, you really wanna try that, Hamilton?"

I nod. "Yeah, why not?"

He laughed. "Because you're not tall enough to even stand a chance." He says, pushing me back. I obviously stumble back further than he did when I pushed him.

By now, the door opened, signalling that class is over, and I see people start to crowd around us. A couple of people pull out their phones, but I just ignore it.

"Try me." I say to him.

He smirks, looks around at the crowd, and then swings at me. I duck luckily and then punch him in the gut. He glares at me and then punches my face, causing me to fall back to the ground. When I look up, I see Thomas standing over me.

He spits at me, kicks me in the gut, and then runs through the crowd and disappears when I hear Washington call out, "Everyone go! Find something else to do!"

Suddenly everyone is walking away and I see a worried but cute, freckled face appear above me. He reaches his hand down to me and I shake my head, holding my stomach.

"Hamilton, up, now." Washington's voice booms as I look up and see him standing over me as well, his face more angry than worried.

I groan and take John's hand, sitting up slowly. I then stand up and wipe my nose, seeing blood on my sleeve after doing so. I sigh and then turn to face both my professor and roommate.

"In my classroom, now." Washington says, trying to not let his anger show as he turns and walks into his classroom.

I hold my stomach as I walk into the classroom, John following next to me. "Are you okay, Alex?"

"Did you get Washington involved in this?" I ask, not looking at him.

There was a silence and I chuckle while shaking my head lightly. The silence had answered my question. "Figures."

1231 Words

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