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* gunshot *

My eyes opened fast as the sound of gunshots alarmed me out of my sleep. I laid perfectly still until they stopped. Thank God my bed isn't positioned by my window, but I also don't want to try and run to see who it is so that I become a casualty.

I heard a car speed off and I rushed to the window praying that the people who aired the shots were pulling off.


I managed to be able to see the last 3 letters of the customized license plate that looked familiar, but I couldn't put a name with it.

"YAZ! YAZ! You alright?" I heard my big brother, Lasso, rush down the hall and into my room with his AR in hand as if he tried to go out and shoot back. "Yeah, I'm fine. That's the what 16th gunshot this week? No biggie. As long as we don't make it to 30 this month." I spat while walking from my dresser to my bed. Lasso came in and sat on the floor next to me. "Look, Yaz I told moms I would look after you. Now I'm sorry I don't live next to the white people like she does. But it doesn't matter, because I'm always gonna make sure you good. Wherever we at."

*phone ring* Stay right here. He said as he walked out to take his call.

I know he cared. That wasn't the problem. I just hate not knowing if my brother is going to make it to see another day because of a commitment he made to the streets. We live in LA. Particularly in the Clone 3 territory. Clone is short for Cyclone. They are the most discussed, most feared, and most powerful gang on this side of the country. I am practically royalty. My uncles, brothers, and some of my closest friends are Cyclones. My brother is pretty well known, so someone shooting at the house brings alert to the whole city.

"Hey girl, you okay?" Hazel asked leaning on my door frame. You probably wonder why everyone seems so calm about the house being shot at. This wasn't a surprise. It's not the first time and it won't be the last, but whoever is behind it always comes to light. Revenge was a law in this family.

"Yeah, I just can't stop thinking about this license plate. QTB. I know someone who has a license plate that ends in those letters but I can't think of who right now." I said sitting up in frustration. "Oh, yeah Lasso is having someone run the plates right now. I told him it sounds familiar, I thought it was just me." She said coming in and sitting on the bed. I looked at Hazel as my big sister. Ever since she met me she has looked out for me. She met Lasso when they were in the 7th grade. They are both 28. When they started dating in High School they were your favorite high school sweethearts. They used to pick me up from school together like they were my parents. It was cute and I admired how she cares for my brother. She is practically my best friend.

Lasso came in the room, empty handed this time, but with a 'Someone died, or is about to die' face. "What's wrong? Did you run the plates?" I asked laying up from Hazel's lap. He held his neck with his two hands linked together and his head down. "Las.." Hazel called.

"It was Anthony Yaz. His license plate, his car." He said looking up at me waiting for my response. I knew it. I knew it was someone I knew. Question is, why is my Dad shooting at my brother's house? Was he aiming for me?

I paused. I was unsure about how to react.

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