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We left the hospital about 2 hours after Tori had Legend. They wanted us to stay longer but we wanted them to enjoy their family time because as soon as they were able to bring my nephew home we're all going to take turns watching him, so they'll probably never get their baby back. 

I chuckled to myself. "What's funny?" Shady asked looking up from his phone at me. We all came back to my house and chilled until we decide on what we are all going to eat.

"Nothing, I just can't believe that my brother is a dad, and I'm an auntie." I told him smiling outside the window. "You wanna be a mom? I could help you with that." He smirked while walking up behind me and rubbing his cheek against mine. I turned around and pushed him away jokingly. "Shut up, you not finna make me a baby mama." I laughed and told him. "You would be a fine one though." He made me smile, I couldn't help it. I shook my head and ignored his ass. He ain't finna get nobody pregnant. 

"Okay but why haven't we figured out what we finna eat because if I don't get some food, we all finna have a bad day around this muhfucka." Haze said and I nodded in agreement with her because period. "And that's on Mary had a little lamb because I haven't eaten since I went to sleep and that was way before tori went into labor. I put my hand on my cheek in confusion looking at Lace and Jaye. "Well I guess I'm going to have to feed this pretty face aren't I?" Lasso said to Haze. I smiled in adoration of their relationship. Their love is so real. Hazel has been around for the longest, and I can tell that she really has Lasso wrapped around her finger.

My daydream was cut short when Shady pulled me closer to him. I hope he didn't do that because he seen me looking at Haze and Lace, that's sooo embarrassing wow.

Shady POV

"Well I guess I'm going to have to feed this pretty face aren't I?" 

I seen Yaz looking at Lace and Hazel. It looked like she want a relationship of her own like that. She forgave me for that lil Maci mix up but I know she still got her doubts about a nigga. Which is understandable because if shit was flipped I'd probably chew her ass out too. 

I pulled her on my lap and held her tight. "What you want to eat?" I looked at her, locking my phone to give her my undivided attention. "I honestly want some breakfast." "Ouuuu that sounds so good, let's go to iHop." Hazel added.

 "iHop? That's coo. Aight y'all finna get dressed?" 

"Yeah for sure we need to because I smell like hospital and newborn baby." Haze looked at Lace and we all started laughin. 

When me and Lace was finished freshening up we waited on the girls. 

"Aye bro lemme ask you sum." 

"Wassup?" I asked, following him to the backyard.

"You really like my sister? Like you really tryna be with her for good type shit?" I knew this was gon come around, I known these niggas for too long. 

"The first nigga that broke her heart was her dad, you know Kay not her biological pops he only mine and Jaye's. Her real pops is a bitch, he'd be putting his hands on her and shit, and making her feel bad about herself, telling her shit like she never gon be nothing because of our mom. I mean he shot at her a few weeks back. He may even be watching her tryna get her to live with him again. They relationship is little to nonexistent. To my knowledge, she ain't never had a boyfriend that was serious enough to even meet me and Jaye, cause she know we not going for no shit. My point of asking what you on is, that's my baby sister nigga. I love her to death, I'll go to war with even one of y'all niggas over her. I been knowing you since we was kids nigga and the only relationship you was sort of in was Maci and look at y'all now. If you on shit like that with my sister you might as well call it right now, cause it's no reason to lead her on you feel me?" 

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