Chapter 2: An Odd Encounter

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Okay before we start, I wanna tell you about my original character name. You was originally going to be named Yukina Hoshizono, or in kanji 星園雪奈. But your name is your name so let's get on with the story.

Your POV~
  It's been some time since that battle. I joined a guild named Knights of the Blood Oath along with Asuna, who's like my sister now. We share a house on the 55th floor, and we're both vice commanders.
  My guild mates made me wear a stupid uniform, which is off shoulder with white sleeves, red ribbon, and silver details.There was also a red miniskirt with a white train, some grey tights and white boots.
  Asuna met someone named Haruki Tensa (kanji 天差春木), who's actually a childhood friend of mine. The two hit off really well, and I'm inclined to play Cupid, but I'm way to busy grinding levels these days.
  Anyway, I just randomly decided to go down to a lower floor forest, since some of my guild mates told me there were pretty nice drops there.
  News flash, there wasn't.
  "I'd get a lot more from a dungeon..."
  But then, a scream pierced the air. I froze, then started running towards the scream.
  I saw three gorilla monsters attack...A familiar? But anyway, I quickly killed off two of them to save the little girl they were going to attack. I think she's like twelve of something?
  I turned around to kill the other gorilla, but then to realize there wasn't any.
  "Strange, I counted three..."
  But as I turned around, I saw the reason.
  Black hair, onyx eyes, black clothing...
  "Oh erm...Hi, Y/n."
I didn't know what to feel. Angry, because he just left me and Asuna? Happy, because he's still alive? I just decided to turn my back on him and focus on the girl.
"Hey...That was your familiar that just died, right?"
"Don't worry. That's an item of Pina's right?"
"Then we can revive her. There should be some flower..."
"On the 61st floor, Floria. But the beast tamer has to be there too."
I just glared at Kirito. He quickly shut up.
"Alright then, it's settled. We'll go with you, because there's a three day deadline where the revival has to take place."
"Yup." Kirito manipulated his menu and gave her some equipment.
"I should pay you back..."
"No it's fine..."
"Guys! I'll get us some inn rooms since my home is about 30 floors up."
"Oh ok...By the way, I forgot! My name is Silica."
"My name is Kirito."
"Do you two know each other?"
"Sort of."
"By the way, Y/n, you should be careful strolling around in your uniform here."
"Well erm...Your guild isn't exactly welcomed here..."
"You ever heard of a player nicknamed 'War Goddess'?"
"Yes of course...Wait you're not telling me-"
"That's me. So it'll take a lot more than a few threats to bring me down. That aside, let's get out of this forest."
We went back to the safe zone, where we bumped into a few boys.
"Hey Silica! You left your last party, right? Then party with us."
"I'm...I'm s-sorry! But I'm partying with these guys."
Those boys eyed both of us with rage and jealousy, while I just glared at them. Then they left.
"You're pretty popular, Silica."
"They're just after Pina. Beast tamers are rare in SAO..."
But then she stopped in her tracks. So did Kirito and I. A woman with rose red hair stood in front of us.
"Oh I see you survived, Silica? Where's your little pet?"
"Pina...Pina died protecting me. But I'm going to get her back! Kirito and Y/n are going to help me."
I was angry. So this woman just abandoned Silica like that? I was about to say something when Kirito grabbed my shoulder, and shook his head.
  "Anyway, good luck on your little journey."
  And Rosalia strolled off.
  "I'm sorry about that..."
  "It's okay Silica. I'll get us some rooms, okay?"
  I walked ahead and went into the inn. I got three rooms, which wasn't expensive in my book since grinding levels also mean col. I saw them waiting for me in the lobby.
  "Alright, so I got us three rooms, one for each of us. Follow me."
  After I lead Silica to her room, and Kirito to his, I went into mine, changed into some more casual clothing, and sat down on my bed to check my items. But then, a knock came.
  "Hey Y/n...It's Kirito. Can I come in?"
  I sighed. I really didn't want to talk to him, but better now than later.
  "Fine. Come in."
  I deliberately left my menu open, and looked at him as he opened the door, then shut it behind him.
  He had a slightly serious expression, and there was blush on my cheeks too.
  "Can we talk?"

Kirito's POV~
  "What is there to talk about, Kirito?"
  "I've already explained the plan to Silica. You need a rundown?"
  "No. I'm more content to going with the flow."
  I hesitated. She's putting a full stop on every sentence. I couldn't really start a conversation with her, plus she's not the type to show her softer side to just anyone. So I plucked up the courage and said it.
  "How are you doing these days?"
  "How am I doing?"
  Y/n closed her menu. I could feel anger radiating from her. She stood up and looked straight into my eyes.
  "I'm doing fine, thank you, as you can see I'm alive. But what do you care? You just upped and left all those months ago, we suddenly meet, and you just ask how am I?"
  I was struggling to find an answer. I didn't want to tell her about the Moonlit Black Cats, so I just stopped talking. I also looked at the floor.
  "Something happened to you."
  I looked at Y/n. She was manipulating her menu on her bed again. She looked up.
  "Your face, in case you were wondering. Anyway, I'm not gonna pry, just because it's rude."
  "I...Thanks Y/n. That helps a lot."
  "And...I'm sorry for snapping at you like that. I'm sure you have your reasons, but I just held that grudge a little too close. So sorry."
  "I'm sorry too. I never thought about how you felt. So, erm, do you..."
  I was about to continue when Y/n motioned for me to be silent. She stared at the door, then rushed and opened it.
  "Who's there?"
  I go out to the hallway, and some a black coat disappearing down the stairs.
  Y/n went back in and sat down on the table.
  "Excuse that. You were saying?"
  "Right. I wanted to ask about Asuna."
  "Oh erm...Well we share a house on the 55th floor, we met a childhood friend of mine, Haruki Tensa, and the two hit off. I'm also inclined to play Cupid."
  "I see...KoB Vice Commander, if I remember correctly."
  "You're not wrong. Also, I wanna ask, why did you help Silica? I mean, I just can't let her be like that, so what about you?"
  "Erm well...Promise me you won't laugh."
  "I make no promises."
  "Fine...It's because...We'll she reminds me of my sister back in the real world."
  She burst out laughing once she heard it, I just hung my head in shame.
  "You know, it might be funny, but it's valid. That aside, go get some sleep, we still have to deal tomorrow."
  And so I went back. I fell asleep shortly after.

Hi. It's me, the author. If you could have a Japanese name completely out of kanji, what would it be? Tell me okay? Lolz I did this cause I was curious.

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