Chapter 7: KoB Issues

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Your POV~
"Aside from boss battles, I don't think we've met, Kirito." Heathcliff said.
"Well there was the conference on floor 67..." I looked at Kirito, who was trying to rack his memory.
"Ah yes. Well Kirito, you're trying to pitch one of our best players. I don't know what to say."
"If she's so important to you, you should've picked a better bodyguard for her." I blushed a bit.
"Rest assured, Sieg will be dealt with. Well Kirito, if you want Y/n, you'll need to take her from us, with your blades."
"Kirito, if you duel me with your Dual Blades and win, I'll let you have Y/n. But if you lose, you will join the Knights of the Blood Oath."
"Commander, I'm not just an item people duel over-"
"Yeah sure." I looked at Kirito, surprised. He had a slight smile, and a determined look. "If you want to settle this with swords, I'll gladly agree."

Kirito's POV~
"Baka baka baka!"
"Ow...That Hurt enough the first time, Y/n."
"Do you realized what you just did? The Commanders not just any opponent you know!"
"I know. He has his own Unique Skill, right?"
"Yup. <Divine Right>. It maxes out a player's offense and defense."
She looked at me. All I could do was look at the ground.
"I don't mind not having my break, Kirito. What I do mind is you having to join the KoB."
"Well, I'm not planning on going down easily."
Y/n walked me to the stadium. As I walked out, she shouted "Don't lose, idiot!". I smiled, but it faded once I saw Heathcliff.
  "My apologies, Kirito. I never thought this would get so out of hand."
  "Well, I don't mind, as long as I get half the profits."
  "I'm sorry but that won't happen. Because, after today, you'll be a member of the Knights of the Blood Oath."
  I sent him a duel invite, which he responded with <-50% HP Mode>. I took out my swords and waited for the countdown to end.

(Disclaimer, I am bad at writing but I'll try my best to write his symbolic moment.)

  As the countdown ended, we both charged at each other. I attacked him, but he blocked the attack with his sword, and hit me with his shield.
He attacks with his shield? I started attacking again. He was having the upper hand.
I looked at my HP bar. Was I really going to lose? "Don't lose, Idiot!" Y/n's phrase popped into my head. No. I won't lose. I attacked. Faster and faster. And I was slowly gaining the upper hand.
Just as I was to land the final strike, something odd happened. In that split second, Heathcliff moved even faster than Y/n ever did. I couldn't move, but he could. He attacked me with his shield, whittling my HP down to 50%.

Your POV~
How did the Commander move so fast? I ran out to the field just as the winner was announced. I wasn't surprised that it was the Commander, but that move just didn't feel right.
Heathcliff glared at Kirito before he left.
"Are you okay?" I lowered my voice. "Did you see that?"
"You did too? How did he..."
"I don't know, but let's get out of here first."

"Don't you have anything that's less flashy?"
"Actually, that's one of the way less flashy ones. You look great!"
I blushed as soon as I saw Kirito blushing too. Then he just collapsed into the bed.
"Hey Kirito? I hope you don't mind me prying, but why do you avoid being in guilds? I mean, you aren't someone that just avoids all people, so why?"
He sat up. "I was in a guild once. It was small, with only six members. They weren't bad, but they were way below me. I lied to them about my level, and they died because of that. I killed them. Sachi, all of them." I could see tears forming in his eyes.
"I'm so sorry, Kirito..."
"It's fine. I've been up to the limit of what a solo player can do. Perhaps a guild is what I need."
I couldn't stand it. I stood up, sat on the bed, and hugged him.
"If anything, don't worry about me. Because...I'll protect you instead."

Kirito's POV~
"What? Training?!" Y/n was near shouting with her eyes wide open.
"Yeah. I need to assess his skills."
"Godfrey, he dueled the Commander for god's sakes! As for his skills in a boss fight, I can vouch for them."
"I'm sorry Y/n-sama. I don't want to do this either, but rules are rules. Kirito here is going with me, and two other players."
I hit her head gently. "It's okay, Y/n. Just wait here for me, okay?"
She pondered for a few seconds, then nodded her head gently.
I followed Godfrey outside the gates. I saw a player I didn't know, and...
  I just stared, wide in shock.
  "Now now," I looked at Godfrey. "I know you two had your past differences, but let's put that aside for now. Right, Sieg?"
Sieg acted very weirdly. He shuddered as he bowed down, but said rather clearly "I'm sorry. Please accept my apology."
I felt uneasy, but I just went with it anyway.
Godfrey took all our crystals and we journeyed to a canyon dungeon.

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