Chapter 12 Trapped

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Your POV~
"Yeah I'm going to get on Alfhiem in my house."
I was on the phone with Kirito on a Saturday afternoon.
"I thought we were going to log on together though."
"I know Kirito. But after the ALO boom both me and Asuna are so,equating grounded." I laughed as I said those stupid things.
"Alright fine. I checked out the map beforehand, so why don't we meet at the World Tree?"
"Fine by me." I pick the game up from the top of my desk. "I'm gonna log in now."
"Yeah. Meet you later."
I hung up with Kirito and took the Amusphere.
I took a deep breath. Calm down Y/n, this isn't SAO. I'm not going to be trapped again.
"Link start!"

(If you can't tell, I have to classify you as a particular species for story reasons, so I hope you guys aren't to angry. Oh and I'm changing the character creation settings.)

At the starting screen, I use the name Y/n again, since it was the name I used in SAO.
Then I chose the Imp class, since it seems fun.
I customized my appearance to have a white and purple version of my KoB uniform. I decided to simply change my hair color to a lighter type of purple and got it done with.
I decided to merge my SAO account with the new ALO account.

As I fell down from the night sky (Wait why is it night it's afternoon), I tried to imagine wings on my back, and somehow I gilded into a tree.
I surveyed my surroundings. Since I was on top of a tree, I looked around.
So this forest is pretty large...But I thought the species spawned inside designated districts.
As I contemplate on how stupid my situation was, I scrolled through my inventory. Every inventory item was labeled as tripe question marks, but there was something that caught my eye.
My old Unique Skill was replaced by a OSS, or so it says, called Glory Judge. I jumped down from the tree and tried it out on that exact tree.
It worked out exactly how it worked on that Minotaur. Sighing to myself, I decided to delete every tripe question mark before the game kicks me out.
I opened a map and a tutorial page I downloaded into my Amusphere. Then I spent the next who knows how long to teach myself how to fly with a controller.
As I flied throughout the world, I saw the huge tree. Recognizing it, I flied intervals towards it.
The forest I was in wasn't too far from the World Tree, so my initial plan was to get there, log off, and tell Kirito. But then, something unexpected happened.
As I stepped into the boundaries of the World Tree, everything faded away into black. I couldn't see anything, I couldn't move, I was frozen in the middle of this black void.
I panicked. This gave me the exact type of anxiety I had back in SAO. After a while, I closed my eyes and hoped for the best. When I finally felt a floor, I opened my eyes. Surveying my surroundings, I saw that I was in a humongous birdcage, with some plants, a table and four chairs, as well as a bed.
I looked at my hands. Then my body. My outfit was different. It wasn't the KoB like uniform I knew. It was a slightly more revealing two piece white dress.
"So you've finally entered the game, Miss Y/n."
I looked at the doorway. The bars opened and a man with blond hair and a green attire stepped in. He was also wearing a crown and the door closed behind him.
I tried to keep my composure. "Who are you? Why did out trap me here? And how did you do it-"
"Simple, I was in charge of the whole game project."
I started the gears in my brain...The person Asuna said was in charge of the game...
"Are you, Sugou Nobuyuki?"
"Oh!" He sat on a chair next to the table, and crossed his legs. "You actually remember me!"
"Don't kid yourself. I have photographic memory." I gave the most sassy answer I could.
"All the more interesting...Though I'd prefer that you called me Oberon instead of Sugou."
"...Hm? Why is that?"
"Well..." He came over to me and held up my chin, which I slapped him for. He simple laughed. "You see my dear, in this world, you are my queen, Titania, while I am the fairy king, Oberon."
"That's stupid." I stood up and looked at the mirror on the bed. My look was exactly same as the look I had in real life.
"Oh but it's not."
I turned around and stared at him in anger.

Asuna's POV~
I was getting worried. I know Y/n and she wouldn't play a game for nine hours straight. Her last message was at 1pm, and it was 10pm now.
Something doesn't seem right.
And I was right.
"Shinko? What's wrong?" Shinko called me.
"It's Y/n. She's not waking up and..."
I knew what she was talking about. "I...I'll get my father on the case. Please Shinko, don't touch her for the while."
I took a deep breath as I rushed downstairs to find my father. Please...Not SAO all over again...

(Time skip brought to you by Author-Chan's stupidity XD)

Kirito's POV~
It was the next day. Y/n was transported to a hospital near her home.
Asuna woke me up around midnight and told me everything. Her father was trying to sort it out but nothing was wrong with the code or the system. It was just dangerous for them to disconnect their while she was in the game.
Suguha asked me to bring her to see Y/n, so I brought her.
I took a deep breath as I entered the room. Y/n was sleeping on the bed there, with a small smile on her face.
"This is..."
"This is Y/n L/n. Y/n, this is my sister Suguha."
Silence fell between us.
"Is Y/n really good at video games?" Suguha's question snapped me back to reality.
"Yeah. Her accuracy with a sword and her speed are incredible, but the fact I can never read her next moves make her a really good player." I gushed about Y/n without even thinking.

Back at home, I was simply researching the game when Agil sent me a photo.
I rushed over to the Dicey Cafe, which Agil, or Alexander Gilbert Mills, owns in real life.
"Woah, calm down." Agil was cleaning cups behind the counter. I sat down on a seat.
"Sorry...It's just..."
"That photo. Yeah...I heard what happened to Y/n. I'm really sorry man." Agil put down the cup. He took the photo he sent me.
"So...What is this?"
"You've played ALO, right?"
"I originally planned to log on with Y/n, but she decided to go on first, so no."
"Well, you know the World Tree and flying, right?"
"Yes. I did my research."
"Well, a few players tried to use the flight system to fly to the top of the World Tree. Since you have limited flight time, they decided to piggyback on each other."
"That makes sense."
"They took screenshots and this is what they found."
"So...Y/n is trapped on the top of the World Tree?"
"Probably. But knowing her she probably would try to break out. Whether she could is another story."
"Can I borrow your copy, Agil? I don't have one at the moment."
"Yeah sure, take it. It can work with the Nerve Gear too."

Back at my home, I entered my room and took my Nerve Gear.
Wait for me, Y/n.
"Link start!"

Hey guys, Author-chan here. I'm sorry for the bad writing but the Fairy Dance arc is pretty pants and you know it. So it probably won't be too long since I am dumb but I will try to make it enjoyable. Lol sorry guys for the slow update I promise I'll be better, bye!

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